大村憲司 (Kenji Omura) - 02 - 1978 - First Step [full album]

  • 8 years ago

01 - ボストン・フライト / Boston Flight - 00:00
02 - タイフーン / Typhoon - 08:18
03 - ベター・メイク・イット・スルー・トゥディ / Better Make It Through Today - 15:43
04 - ヒアズ・ザット・レイニー・ディ / Here's That Rainy Day - 21:19
05 - リズム・ロード / Rhythm Road - 27:32
06 - レフト・ハンデッド・ウーマン / Boston Flight (TJ-85019 Version) - 36:46
07 - Left-Handed Woman - 44:49

Disc Issue Info
Year: Unknown
Catalogue Number: Unknown
Media: CD


All rights reserved to the original authors/composers/publishers of this album.
By posting this here I intend no malice to any of the aforementioned individuals/groups/companies. If you feel that your rights have been breached by posting this video please contact me.
I'll take immediate action in removing the content from this channel.

The above translation of song names/lyrics may not be accurate, if you want to help translating the songs, please contact me!


