• 9 years ago
FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA — A soldier’s Facebook post comparing the meagre contents of his own buggie with those of a person using food stamps has sparked controversy.

Patrick Gibson snapped the photo at a grocery store in in Fayetteville, North Carolina last year. Gibson, who skips breakfast and lunch so his family can eat, was lining up to pay for fruit and diapers.

In front of him was a person with not one — but two — shopping carts bulging with what Gibson said was “steak and some other very nice choices of food.”

When the person took out their wallet to pay for their purchase, Gibson saw them move a big fold of cash to get to their electronic benefits card. Worse, after paying for his groceries, Gibson saw the person load their items into the back of a brand new Hyundai Genesis.

After the incident, Gibson posted a comparison of his groceries with theirs. The post has since been shared more than 140 thousand times.


