• 9 years ago
TORONTO — Playboy model Holly Wolf doesn’t believe that once you go black, you’ll never go back, since she’s more interested in Asian appreciation.

In a feature on NextShark, Wolf details how she grew up in an all-white suburban area about an hour from Toronto and didn’t see a black person until she was 15.

Though she dated blonde-hair, blue-eyed types in high school, the lack of racial diversity in her area only made her curious about other cultures.

A guy she dated in college got her into K-pop, and an obsession with artists like Big Bang became her gateway to the world of Asian men.

Wolf is now exclusively dating Asians. She has not had a caucasian boyfriend since college, claiming she doesn’t find men fromt that race even remotely attractive.

She gets a lot of hate and anger from non-Asians who find out about her preference, and always gets asked about the common stereotype that Asians have smaller penises.

Despite the negativity, Wolf doesn’t think there’s anything weird about her choice, and believes Western culture is partly to blame for the current mainstream view on Asian men.

The 27-year-old is currently dating Canadian-born Filipino JR Gallarza, a college basketball star she met in the Philippines.


