• 9 anni fa


Every now and again a vocal dance track comes along that captures the listener, it has all those qualities that make you feel like somehow you have already heard it before and you find yourself singing along to it... this is the case of 'Falling', the newest production from Donati&Amato that is already being courted by DJ's and radios alike as well as causing quite a stir on those few radio playlists that have had the honour of receiving the track up front.

Fresh off the heels of 'Like An Angel', the track that shot up the Music Week charts in the UK and is still being licensed today on a worldwide scale, 'Falling' is yet another slice of brilliantly produced Dance Music from this well sought after duo of Italian producers who over the years have notched up a run of great tracks working alongside people such as ATFC, Henry John Morgan, Wendy Lewis and many others.


