• 9 years ago
This show was not only a mirror image of my family in the 90s (I'm Hal in tighty whities) but also one of my favorites. I realized along the way that what made the show special was the relationships. Sure they were trashy and embarrassing but mom and dad were very much in love and Reese may be stupid but that were all there for each other and although Family Guy loves to poke fun at her Lois was the matriarch keeping all of her boys functional and together. In my opinion Malcolm's family is a shining example of great parenting and something we can all take inspiration from.
[]They like to keep people nice and coisy warm in camps
[]Mhm interesting
[]so do you think being politically swayed means you have no journalistic integrity?
[]No that's "the bus that couldn't slow down"
[]That's so sweet! :)
[]I guess that would equate to just one Fantastic Eight film
[]Tell that to Giles Corey
[]There are way of greatly improving the specificity of CRISPR and there's constant research on improving it so maybe we will, maybe we won't.
[]I have a kitty like this. Its nice most of the time.
[]Yeah I was about to say.... Trumbo was fantastic
[]EM doc. I think one of the controversies in our field revolves around the idea of an acceptable miss rate for illnesses/injuries. There is a spectrum when ordering diagnostic tests. It goes from order all the tests on everybody and miss nothing to order very little and just diagnose based on history and physical. Obviously, practicing towards the former is expensive and leads to lots of false positives which lead to further, sometimes risky testing like cardiac catheterizations or large number of imaging studies with radiation. Practicing towards the later, of course, leads to missed diagnosis, sometimes with bad outcomes. There are some disease states where I think we've gone to far towards testing everyone without using sense. For example, low risk chest pain - in my observation unit false positive stress tests outnumber true positives. This means cardiac caths which have a nonzero risk of injury to vessels, bleeding, or kidney injury in a patient who really had almost no risk of active heart disease in the first place. But people get nervous about sending them home because if they have a heart attack any time in the next couple months you will get sued and maybe lose, even if their current presentation is from those weights they lifted the other day. There are all sorts of examples of similar processes where we feel obligated to order tests we are 99% sure will be negative. This is unlikely to be cost effective long term
[]He doesn't believe in numbers though
[]You've fallen right into my trap I see. I used psychology to beat you, understand?
[]All these people...

Your boss was right. Stools do promote better posture and are generally better for back issues. Having a back support is detrimental to your back 90% of the time. Sitting on a stool forces you to sit in an upright, active position that is good for your(especially lower) back.

source: years of back issues, solved by never leaning my back against a chair again.
[]Post this in /r/pdbattle
[]"Sir, this is the Library of Congress."
[]But that floor... meeting the other floor....
[]believe it or not, I smoked weed way before I smoked cigarettes. naturally, as a dumb kid who starts smoking a lot of weed, I got into trouble and was forced to stop. that led to me missing the act of smoking itself, so cigarettes became life.

and of course, every young teenager wants to look cool.
[]I always understood the meaning of that phrase to mean that the pursuit of money doesn't bring happiness. A little money help your family survive and a lot of money can topple regimes. But growing capital without purpose is greed and it happens so thoroughly in this world today it is more like a religion. I believe that statement is a warning to not hold money higher in value than the things you can do with it.
[]Protip: it's easier to peel it if you start from the top!
[]Yeah, I mean what if the person in debt just decides to never pay up -- then who takes care of that?

The lender can't because the debt is off.
[]Does that apply to footage though? I thought the first case would still technically be child porn.
[]Oh God, how awful. I'm a wreck and it's only been three weeks for us. I can't imagine what you're going through. I'm so sorry. Xxx
