Hypocrites pursue love only to satisfy their ego

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: Every Muslim wishes to be loved. But the hypocrites use love as a symbol of superiority. And the believers who do not realize that thin line, the real motive of hypocrites, assume that their desire is sincere.  Because believers assume that hypocrites are sincere, they sincerely show them love. God says, "There you are, loving them when they do not love you." Because hypocrites do not know anything about true love. They only want it for superiority, for their reputation. That is all. Competition is one of the vital aspects of a hypocrite's character. For example look at Samiri, he comes from very far just to compete with the Prophet Moses (pbuh), crosses the desert, and in order to reign over Jews he hatches a big scheme. Look how much effort he spends, how many tricks he employs. He is there to rule over Muslims; he plans that if some kind of a disaster falls upon them and something happens to the Prophet Moses (pbuh), he is there to take control and bring about the destruction of Muslims as the chief seditionist. For this reason, we have to be very careful, and never forget how ambitious hypocrites are. Hypocrites always want to be in control. They want to be the most important person of an era. The one who governs the most attention. And they base their whole life on this goal. They make their plans in accordance with that. It is the reason why they desire to get close to Muslims.

OKTAR BABUNA: You said before, God says in the Quran that their hatred is specifically towards prophets, messengers and imams, insh'Allah. God says in the Quran, I seek refuge in God from satan. "They were vindictive for no other cause than that God and His Messenger had enriched them from His bounty.

ADNAN OKTAR: Indeed. For example, hypocrites become rich. The prophet or the imam of their time provides a comfortable life for them; they live in wealth. However, this only fuels their hatred further. But if you pay attention, the tone of the Surah Yusuf is based on love. This means that all the vileness, the immoral acts hypocrites practice is based on love, for the sake of it. But the Quran reveals the truth. We understand that hypocrites exploit love only as a symbol of egocentrism, superiority. So in the Quran, it becomes obvious what the hypocrites' main weapon is, what their goal is. For example we can also see that Samiri too wanted to be the most beloved, the most egocentric, he aimed to be the greatest, the most prominent one. We can also see that the Prophet Joseph (pbuh)'s brothers had the same goal in their minds, as well as the woman who stayed with the Prophet Joseph (pbuh). And we understand that the reason why they employ sedition is to obtain love, but they only want love out of an evil sense of conceit. For this reason, we understand that the immorality and the vileness of the hypocrites stem from love, or rather the lack of it. They continuously offer love as an excuse to carry out treacherous and im


