Were going back to the island where Total Drama began, for an all-new season with an all-new cast! Since Chris took the show worldwide, Camp Wawanakwa has been abandoned and turned into a toxic nuclear waste dump - the perfect place for a new season of painful, cringe-inducing challenges!\r
Fighting for the million dollar prize are thirteen all-new players. Athletic overachiever Lightning, wide-eyed bubble-boy Cameron, multiple personality disorder Mike, take-no-prisoners jock-ette Jo, devious Scott, famemonger Dakota, indie chick Zoey, compulsive liar Staci, strong silent genius B, Jersey Shore reject Ann Maria, moonchild Dawn, nice-guy gamer Sam, and cadet Brick.\r
Watch more Total Drama Revenge of the Island on Cartoon Network!\r
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Fighting for the million dollar prize are thirteen all-new players. Athletic overachiever Lightning, wide-eyed bubble-boy Cameron, multiple personality disorder Mike, take-no-prisoners jock-ette Jo, devious Scott, famemonger Dakota, indie chick Zoey, compulsive liar Staci, strong silent genius B, Jersey Shore reject Ann Maria, moonchild Dawn, nice-guy gamer Sam, and cadet Brick.\r
Watch more Total Drama Revenge of the Island on Cartoon Network!\r
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