• il y a 9 ans
Directed by : Eric Lavaine
Produced by : Same Player, Pathé Production
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 37 min
French release: 01/06/2016
Production year: 2015

Would you like return home to live with your parents? Forty-year-old Stéphanie is obliged to return home to live with her mother. She is welcomed with open arms: she can enjoy the over-heated apartment, Francis Cabrel stuck on replay, furious games of Scrabble and precious maternal advice on how to sit at the table and how to live her life. Both women must exercise infinite patience to cope with this new situation. And when the rest of the clan turns up for dinner, settling of scores and family secrets follow on one from the other in a most joyful way. But there are healthy explosions. Welcome to a highly risky world: the family!

More info: http://en.unifrance.org/movie/40765/back-to-mom-s
