Les prisoniers d'une prison des Philippines qui avaient déjà dansé sur Thriller dansent ici sur Gloria.
This is a protest dance by the dancing inmates on Jun Lozada comments on the inmates beloved Cardinal Vidal when he called the Cardinal the "Archbishop of the Palace" and His Lady companion called the Cardinal "a Congressman in a cassock" The dancing inmates feel that these comments is unfair and unjust vilification of the archdiocese of Cebu, Cardinal Vidal whom they regard so highly.
This is a protest dance by the dancing inmates on Jun Lozada comments on the inmates beloved Cardinal Vidal when he called the Cardinal the "Archbishop of the Palace" and His Lady companion called the Cardinal "a Congressman in a cassock" The dancing inmates feel that these comments is unfair and unjust vilification of the archdiocese of Cebu, Cardinal Vidal whom they regard so highly.