• il y a 9 ans
Tractor Tom makes a new friend – a little lamb who thinks hes her mummy.\r
Its a busy day on Springhill farm. Fi is looking after the sheep and their new little lambs and Matt is loading Rev and Buzz with jars of honey and bags of flour. Buzz and Rev arent thinking about work – they want to have a race to decide who is the fastest. When they zoom past Tractor Tom at high speed, the honey and flour are sent flying into the air, and all over Tom. Tom is covered in flour from top to bottom – hes completely white! But theres more trouble to follow for Tom, when a little lost lamb mistakes Tractor Tom for her mummy. Matt tries everything to convince the lamb that Tom is a tractor, not a sheep. But its only when Tom rescues the lamb from the river, washing off the flour, that the lamb understands. Theres a happy ending to this woolly tale but not for Buzz and Rev – theyre in big trouble with Matt.\r
Enjoy and dont forget to subscribe: \r
Tractor Tom lives on Springhill Farm with Farmer Fi, Farmhand Matt and lots of friends.


