ELSA vs BOMB & CATWOMAN w/ The Joker & Spiderman - Fun Superhero Movie in Real Life
Catwoman climbs to the top of the tree to spy on Elsa. As Elsa is approaching, Cat-Woman jumps down and whistles for The Joker. She tells Joker to bring Elsa to her because she has an evil plan. Joker hid behind from tree to tree and wait for an opportunity to grab Elsa. Elsa takes out her makeup mirror and sees The Joker reflected in her mirror. Elsa is scared, so she calls Spiderman for help and as she is talking on the phone, Joker sprints behind Elsa and grab her.
After capturing Elsa, Joker ties Elsa to a tree and takes Elsa pink purse away from her. Then Catwoman gives Joker a timed bomb so he can strap it onto Elsa. The timer on the TNT is set for 1 minute before it will explode. Thinking they have succeeded on their evil plan, Catwoman and Joker happily walk away.
Then out of nowhere, The Wolverine comes out and starts cutting leaves from the tree, he then sees Elsa and wanted to help. However, Catwoman and Joker turn around and see Wolverine, so they go back and karate chop Wolverine on the neck. Spiderman finally arrive and immediately unties Elsa and takes the dynamite out. He then catches up with The Joker and Catowman and uses his spider-web to lock the two villains up. After that, he places the TNT onto the two villains. Cat Woman and The Joker try to escape, but they are not fast enough and the bomb explodes 3 seconds later.
Catwoman climbs to the top of the tree to spy on Elsa. As Elsa is approaching, Cat-Woman jumps down and whistles for The Joker. She tells Joker to bring Elsa to her because she has an evil plan. Joker hid behind from tree to tree and wait for an opportunity to grab Elsa. Elsa takes out her makeup mirror and sees The Joker reflected in her mirror. Elsa is scared, so she calls Spiderman for help and as she is talking on the phone, Joker sprints behind Elsa and grab her.
After capturing Elsa, Joker ties Elsa to a tree and takes Elsa pink purse away from her. Then Catwoman gives Joker a timed bomb so he can strap it onto Elsa. The timer on the TNT is set for 1 minute before it will explode. Thinking they have succeeded on their evil plan, Catwoman and Joker happily walk away.
Then out of nowhere, The Wolverine comes out and starts cutting leaves from the tree, he then sees Elsa and wanted to help. However, Catwoman and Joker turn around and see Wolverine, so they go back and karate chop Wolverine on the neck. Spiderman finally arrive and immediately unties Elsa and takes the dynamite out. He then catches up with The Joker and Catowman and uses his spider-web to lock the two villains up. After that, he places the TNT onto the two villains. Cat Woman and The Joker try to escape, but they are not fast enough and the bomb explodes 3 seconds later.
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