• 9 years ago
Telepathic Nazi Seagulls - An environmental cautionary tale. One you'd do well to heed.
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Don't throw your six pack rings into the bin
without cutting them
You'll kill the seagulls kill the seagulls
But only the stupid ones
who think they're going to find food in a plastic ring.
You deserve to die you feckless dullard.

This cleans the seagull's gene pool of its imbeciles
Leaving behind eugenic strains of Nazi Supergulls
With heads the size of basketballs
Whose telepathic tentacles
will choke us with our own hands and explode our brains

Don't throw your six pack rings into the bin
without cutting them
Unless you want your brain exploded
By Telepathic Nazi Seagulls

These animated musical cartoons are roped into the channel flip offices weekly through a creaky old dumb waiter in the basement. It's unclear whether the shiftless hunchback who operates it is the artist responsible for the content or simply a remote manservant to some low-rent bond villain in an antipodean jungle bunker. Either way it's clearly the bruised fruit of severely arrested neural development and we're confident of its suitability for outsider art exhibits.

About HuHa:
HuHa is brightly-coloured animated flipflappery for adults. And by that we mean it's home to the tastiest comedy toons on YouTube - featuring animal assassins, crime-fighting butchers, appalling advice and shocking greetings cards to send your frenemies.

In the kitchen is Head chef Mr Weebl (the guy who brought you singing narwhals and that badger song. You know the one. It goes "badgers, badgers, badgers, badgers". It's about badgers) and he'll be serving up a technicolour soup of delicious adult animation for your delectation.

Why not take a look around: http://www.youtube.com/HuHa or check out http://www.youtube.com/huhatwo for some animation with its clothes off. Ahem. Sorry, we mean behind-the-scenes, how-tos and much, much more...


