Bug Chasing: Is It Real?

  • 16 years ago
Cass Mann is one of the world's longest-term HIV-positive diagnosed gay men, now in his third decade of living with HIV, and the founder of UK’s only gay men’s HIV/AIDS charity Positively Healthy, which provides HIV services including education, support, and peer counselling. Here he talks about bug chasing, in which HIV negative people seek to have sex with HIV positive partners. He initially thought that bug chasing had to be a myth. Then he went online and found web sites where HIV negative gay men seek out HIV positive partners. Cass knows at least thirty people who got infected this way and without exception they regret having become HIV positive. Cass feels that any gay man going to a back room or dark room is a bug chaser because that's what they're going to get. For more information, visit http://www.posh-uk.org.uk/ and http://www.AIDSvideos.org/.


