Abducted Chibok schoolgirl found with baby boy

  • 8 years ago
The Nigerian military says one of the Chibok schoolgirls who was abducted by Boko Haram militants two and a half years ago has been found with a ten-month-old son.

According to spokesman Sani Usman, Maryam Ali Maiyanga was discovered in Pulka, in northern Borno state, as troops screened escapees from the Islamist group’s base in the Sambisa forest. She has reportedly named her son Ali.

TROOPS RECOVER ANOTHER CHIBOK SCHOOL GIRL AT PULKA, BORNO STATEhttps://t.co/8JAMLpcXYL@skusman pic.twitter.com/kXfcY19oV0— Nigerian Army (@HQNigerianArmy) November 5, 2016

For the past seven years, Boko Haram has killed thousands and displaced more than two million people in its quest to create an Islamic caliphate in the north east of Nigeria.

Over 270 girls were seized from Chibok in April 2014. More than 50 managed to escape on the day of their capture, a 19-year-old was later released and 21 girls were freed last month following negotiations with the Islamist militant group.


