• 9 years ago
来自四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州的牧民姑娘,也是一名原生态歌手,从未受过专业训练,拥有纯净如高原雪水般的声音,未经雕琢的天然嗓音极具感染力。 她热爱音乐,更热爱自己的民族文化,希望通过音乐艺术表演的方式更好的挖掘民族历史,宏扬自己的民族文化。Jin Huqing returns with the Tibetan girl, a short documentary following the experiences of Drolma, a young religious girl from Tibet trying to make her way in life. At times blurring the line between documentary and fiction, this thought-provoking short explores the experiences of Tibetans in Chinese society and the difficulties they face in reconciling their beliefs and traditions with modernity. Jin considers the relationship between Han Chinese culture and Tibet and the different ways in which it is represented and exoticised.

For a better watching experience, please go to https://distrify.com/videos/asZ8Q3-the-tibetan-girl
