5 media predictions about Trump that were really wrong

  • 8 years ago
"Donald Trump is not going to be the next president of the United States. This reporter is already on record pledging to eat a bag of rusty nails if the real estate tycoon with the high hair manages to snag the GOP nomination, much less takes down likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton next fall." Ben White, CNBC Jim Nelson, GQ "Consider the evidence of the polls going into Wednesday — which show Clinton bordering on a landslide victory — and Trump's inability or unwillingness to overcome his defects as a campaigner. There's no other conclusion. We are now playing out the string. And the only question left after the debate is whether Trump and his hard-core supporters will accept his defeat." Michael Brendan Dougherty, the Week "Here’s the deal: Donald Trump is going to get his a-- kicked. Anyone who says otherwise is either a) afraid of jinxing it and/or making Hillary Clinton voters complacent (understandable); b) afraid of being wrong (Nate Silver); c) supporting Trump; or d) interested in making this a “horse race” for the sake of maintaining public interest. But this isn’t close, and never was." Drew Magary, Deadspin Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine
