• 9 years ago
How did you know that you finally met the one? Weigh in here: http://www.yourtango.com/20099445/4-steps-to-finding-love

Psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Diana Kirschner offers tips for finding true love. Her new book, Love in 90 Days, helps singles change their approach to dating and meeting "the one." Here, she shares four essential steps to meeting your match.


I’m Doctor Diana Kirschner and my book is Love in 90 days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love. Yes, it is possible to find love in 90 days. The 90 days program is a four pronged approach. The first thing you do is you identify and break your deadly dating patterns. And some of the common ones include “The Flame Out”. We meet a hottie, we jump in too soon, we’re spending five hour dates with him, we’re having sex with him, it’s unbelievable and then disappears. Another one is called “Not Perfect I’ll Pass”.

And that’s being really picky, picky, picky; judgmental. No, you know, he spilled his coffee when we were at the Starbucks on him so I can’t really take another look at him. And then another one is “Crumbs”. That means you settle for whatever you can get. Then you go on what I call a dating program of three. In the “Dating Program of Three” you’re going to actually date three guys at the same time without having sex with any of them. If you have sex what can happen is that your body can start falling in love with that person before you even know who he is. Ha ha ha! That’s what everybody says. “Three guy! Come on! I can’t even find one”. You sign up for two online dating sites. I recommend one that is large that is like match.com and then one that is a boutique site. So it’s based on either your background or your interests. You also cultivate what I call your "Diamond Self”.

Which really helps you bust through shyness. You actually give yourself a name. It’s kind of like doing what Queen Latifah did. Her real name is Dana Owes but she gave herself a “Diamond Self” name. And you can see that is very empowering. And then you also get yourself a love mentor. Now this is somebody who is kind of like a fairy God mother who gives you the most profound support and really helps you find the one. People say if it’s meant to happen it would just happen. Now in what other area of your life would you ever take that attitude? If it was meant to be fit it would just happen. I would be fit. Well, you know, love isn’t any different. You have to put yourself out there and then chances are you will get lucky.

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