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Free Download After Effects Movie Action Presets
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | 33 Mb

Link Download :

This set includes over 100 professional FX to turn a video in an Action Movie!
All presets have been designed to offer a wide range of uses: grunge, action, thrillers, extreme sports, terror, etc.
Just drag and drop your desired FX in a adjustment layer over your footage and choose the desired blending mode (add or overlay suggested)
The length of the animations from 10 frames to 50 frames but can be easily corrected to satisfy your needs.

These are the categories of effects contained in the download:

Bad Sync
Damage Overlays
Disturb Masks
Flash Leaks
Focus Glitch
Mixed Damages
Multiple Glitch Masks
Noise Glitch
Pixel Damages
Time Conflict

No plugins – All expressions are universalized and compatible with most common languages. Detailed installation procedure inside the download.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This package should work with all 64-bit systems, by the way some FX like CC TimeWarp, CC Warpomatic and CC Griddler are commonly present
from CS6 and above, so, if want to try the package on CS5 or CS5.5 version you will have some difference in results or missed FX error. Please check before
purchase. In any case it’s possible to unflag these FX from you FX panel, and result will be closer to the demo.


Links for video used in the demo inside the download. The music is from a very talented Audiojungle artist:

Don’t waste your money buying standard definition videos , get the real thing here. :)
I hope you’ll find it usefull.
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