• il y a 9 ans
A sample of Rock N Learn Nursery Rhymes. This nursery rhymes video puts a new spin on the classics to make favorite rhymes come alive. Brother and Sister Goose join Mother Goose to present 43 rhymes using upbeat, pop-style music sung to traditional and new melodies. The playful geese lead kids through each rhyme, teaching them about being safe, using manners, and accepting responsibility.\r
I have a two-year-old daughter and one of our favorite things to do in the car on the way to and from daycare is sing nursery rhymes together. Its been about a ten year stretch between singing nursery rhymes (used to do it all the time when I baby sat), so remembering the words to all the classic nursery rhymes is a challenge. Insert the Rock N Learn Nursery Rhyme DVD. I actually won this item through a contest hosted by smartypantsmama. When we got home I popped it into the DVD player as a substitute for our normal afternoon show, Yo Gabba Gabba. The graphics are very animated and kid-friendly. In addition to nursery rhymes there are also songs and lessons about safety. My Little Princess Pea was totally engrossed with the songs that she had heard before, the others she watched with curiosity. The musical is not loud and outlandish like most childrens shows today- it is very soothing- as nursery rhymes should be. While the recommended age is 3-5 years, my friends 6 month old twins were mesmerized by the show and the gentle tunes. I would definitely recommend this DVD to parents with children age 4 and under! —bloggymomsreview.blogspot.com


