George is joining Peppa at her playgroup today. Peppa doesnt really want George to be there. Its her playgroup after all. When George arrives hes an instant .\r
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George shows off his dragon to the playgroup. Welcome to the Official Peppa Pig channel and the home of Peppa on YouTube! We have created a world of .\r
Best Friends 0:00 - 2:27 Peppas best friend, Suzy Sheep, comes to play at Peppas house for the afternoon. Peppa wont allow George to join in. She says the .
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George shows off his dragon to the playgroup. Welcome to the Official Peppa Pig channel and the home of Peppa on YouTube! We have created a world of .\r
Best Friends 0:00 - 2:27 Peppas best friend, Suzy Sheep, comes to play at Peppas house for the afternoon. Peppa wont allow George to join in. She says the .
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