My Little Disney: Life's a Happy Song

  • 8 years ago
Alright people, this is one of the big ones. There’s been one Disney movie that has been haunting my thoughts for nearly my entire career as a PMV creator. And I mean that literally; I remember taking with Bridleway462GHA about this one at a Bronycon way back in 2012. It’s time to return to Disney with what might be my largest cast yet (pokemon aside), because I am finally starting The Muppets!

Some of you might recall that back when I make the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Pocahontas, I mentioned that I was using them to test something. Well, I was testing to see if I could separate a cast by “race” when making my casting choices while sticking to personalities. In Hunchback all the gypsies were pegasi, the clergy were unicorns, and the normal townsfolk were earth ponies; while in Pocahontas the natives were played by pegasi and earth ponies while the puritans were unicorns. Both tests worked well and paved the way for this movie. You see, I going to make all the humans in this movie humans and all the muppets ponies! Celestia help me…

This cast was not only enormous but also really hard to pin down. The role of Gary, for example, kept shifting back and forth between Twilight and Sunset for years. But as time passed and more movies came out, Sunset just felt like she was fitting the role of “a generally friendly character that just doesn’t quite know how to go about being helpful” a little better. Spike and human Fluttershy, however, have remained firmly in their chosen roles since the beginning. Some choices survived even the test of time.

I do not My Little Pony or Disney, but I do own tickets to the Quidditch World Cup! It cost me almost more than I could afford, but it’s all going to be worth it! There they go! This is awesome… what?! They’ve already caught the snitch?! That didn’t even last ten seconds! I put a second mortgage on my house for these tickets!!!!!

