I love President George W. Bush!

  • 16 years ago
Negative, mediocre, mean-spirited people will never put down America or its President. History will applaud America's vision, courage, strength and sacrifices. We send our best men and women to far away lands to fight for other people's freedoms. In the first time in history, the world is led by a world power which goes to war not to take away other people's lands or natural resources, but to bring our freedom and democracy to others. Fear and tyranny will lose against happiness and freedom.

America is not perfect, we are only men, we are mere sinners, but we try hardest and only God can judge us. George W. Bush is a good man and our fight is a just and noble cause. We have defeated fascism and communism in Asia and Europe for our allies, now the real enemy is Radical Islam, not America.