Voici comment nettoyer les injecteur d'un moteur diesel qui Démarre mal , Brout , Fume beaucoup et perte de puissance sans les démonter le nettoyage direct sa élimine la fumé noir, réduit la consommation du Gazole , Démarrage facile le matin et tous sa pour 7 Euro et 10 minute de votre temps
Here's how to clean the nozzle of a diesel engine Starts evil, Brout, Smoke and much loss of power without removing its direct cleaning eliminates black smoke, reduces the consumption of Diesel, Easy start in the morning and all its to 7 Euro and 10 minutes of your time
Here's how to clean the nozzle of a diesel engine Starts evil, Brout, Smoke and much loss of power without removing its direct cleaning eliminates black smoke, reduces the consumption of Diesel, Easy start in the morning and all its to 7 Euro and 10 minutes of your time