• 9 years ago
Period of Revelation
There is a difference of opinion relating to the place and period of these Surahs' revelation. According to Sayyiduna Hasan Basri, 'Ikrimah, 'Ata' and Jabir bin Zaid these Surahs are Makki. Ibn S'ad, Imam Baihaqi, 'Abd bin Humaid and others are of the opinion that these Surahs were revealed in A.H. 7, when the Jews had worked magic on the Prophet (upon whom be peace) in Madinah and he had fallen ill under its effect. The subject matter of these Surahs is explicit that they were sent down at Makkah when, for the first time, opposition to the Prophet had grown very intense. Later, when at Madinah storms of opposition were raised by the hypocrites, Jews and polytheists, the Prophet was instructed to recite these very Surahs, as has been mentioned in the above cited tradition from Sayyiduna Uqbah bin Amir. After this, when magic was worked on him and his illness grew intense, Gabriel came and instructed him by Allah's command to recite these very Surahs. Therefore, the view held by the commentators who describe both these Surahs as Makki is more reliable.

Major Issues, Divine Laws and Guidance
Seek refuge with Allah from all evils.
Seek refuge with Allah from the slinking whisperers.

English Translation: Sahih International
Arabic Reciter: Mishari ibn Rashid al-`Afasy
English Reciter: Ibrahim Walk


