• 9 years ago
1st Closing: Taxi Closing (1982) / Paramount Communications (1991) w/ Blue Mountain Plastering Error
[Captured 03/31/2015.]

(This closing was a first for me, and that this was the first time that I captured a plastering error on network television! I remember it being on YouTube years ago, but I decided to capture it and upload it here to Dailymotion afterwards (in a Closing compilation, but still....).)

2nd Closing: Route 66 Closing (1964) / Screen Gems "Dancing Sticks" (1965) / Columbia Pictures Television Distribution (1994)
[Captured 11/26/2014.]

(This was one of the earliest closings that I had access to on my DVR at the time; I was lucky to have captured it because I think we switched cable companies about a few months later! Either way, the most I can remember was that I thought it was an interesting closing and that I would record it to VHS for later (I originally recorded on VHS to a VCR at the time). Later, I would realize that putting it on a computer would give this closing instant access and I digitally captured it to my computer. Here it is now!)

So yeah, the special treat is that there are two more closings to celebrate with this Christmas!

From the bottom of my heart, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

~ BD!


