• 17 years ago
(This video can also be viewed by clicking on Videos at www.banbloodsports.com)

The problems experienced by farmers and other Irish landowners when hunts come on to their property.

Please see below for our advice to landowners...

Unless hunters hold sporting rights to hunt on your property (this is not usually the case but if so, it will be specified on the title deeds to the property), neither they nor their dogs have a right to trespass on your property.

Under the (Control of Dogs Act), dogs must be kept "under effectual control" so if hunt hounds come on to property where they do not have permission to be, this would be an offence and the Gardai should be notified. (If possible, take photos or video footage to prove it took place). If trespass occurs by members of the hunt, the Gardai should be notified as well.

Sometimes hunts will say something like "we go where the dogs go" or "we didn't know we weren't allowed to enter your property" but this is not acceptable. If they didn't receive permission to enter the property, they should not be there.

Irish farmers affected by hunt trespass may wish to contact the Farmers Against Foxhunting and Trespass organisation which offers advice to landowners. Their chairman, Philip Lynch, can be reached at 00 353 56 7725309.

Please also visit www.banbloodsports.com and click on "Farmers" for lots more information on keeping hunts off your property.

Join our campaign today at www.banbloodsports.com. Thank you.


