3 year old Girl gets a sneaky cat for Christmas

  • 7 years ago
Cat surprises 3 year old girl for Christmas!
Video & credits by Motherhood in Hollywood with Heather Brooker

Actress Heather Brooker shares the moment her 3-year-old daughter opens one of her Christmas presents.
" We gave my daughter a cat for christmas but it didn't go exactly as we planned. Some times life's imperfect moments are more perfect than you could imagine :) enjoy! "

Le regalano un gattino, ma lui fugge dalla scatola
La sorpresa di Natale è più sorpresa del previsto

I momenti buffi e teneri sono spesso quelli non pianificati: un esempio eloquente è fornito da questo video di Natale, nel quale una bimba di tre anni riceve in regalo un gattino, ma quest'ultimo fugge dalla scatola alla prima occasione e così riesce a non farsi vedere dalla bambina.

A sneaky kitten made a 3-year-old girl's surprise Christmas gift a bit more confusing by slipping out of the box as she opened it.

Heather Brooker shared video of her 3-year-old daughter opening a gift containing her new pet cat, as the kitten took the small opening to mount an escape.

"We gave my daughter a cat for christmas but it didn't go exactly as we planned," Brooker wrote.

The young girl sat patiently as her father brought in the large package for her to open and stared, confused, at the empty box as the kitten had scurried behind the Christmas tree.

Her parents quickly directed her attention to the newfound pet as it stealthily walked along the outer edges of the room.

Once the 3-year-old caught a glimpse of the cat she clutched her chest in excitement and turned to the camera to proclaim "I have a cat."

"Sometimes life's imperfect moments are more perfect than you could imagine," Brooker wrote.
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