ADNAN OKTAR: Davutoğlu Mahir says, "The problem stems from the ignorance of Muslims. A conscious society never falls for the schemes of the dajjal." Give me the name of a country that has not fallen for it. From Norway to Denmark, to even Britain that is the homeland, the heart of the British deep state -the British are a downtrodden people-, even they are under its sway. You are witnessing the power of satan. They attempted a coup in Turkey, and the Southeast Turkey has turned into a blood bath. The Turkish people are a conscious society as well. The American people are a conscious society, but the dajjal movement had them wrapped around its finger. They dragged the US into war in Iraq; the American soldiers lost their sanity. Many soldiers commit suicide every day. The American Army has the highest suicide rate in the world. And this rate increases incrementally with each passing day. This is an example of the fierceness, atrociousness of the dajjal. He has brought a conscious society like the USA under control and is using it all around the world, having them construct bases, establish military facilities; he has the American people suffer under a terrible oppression. The Americans are living a life of misery. They have become destitute; the dajjal movement is using them as forward bases, as its own army. In other words, the American people live a poor life and everybody knows this. There are many homeless hungry people in the USA. grinding poverty is rampant. As they have come under the sway of the British deep state, the entire world is oppressed through that power. The British deep state exploits the French and the people of Britain as well. The dajjal movement is ruling over the world with a minor force. Our Prophet (saas) also says this in the hadiths; he says, "They will subdue the world with a small force." Since the dajjal movement employs hypocrites and is backed by satan, it wields enormous power.
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