Sayyid Abdulhakim Arvasi: The British deep state is the greatest enemy of Islam

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: Sayyid Abdulhakim Arvasi was one the last scholars of the Ottoman era and the teacher of Hüseyin Hilmi Işık, Mehmet Şevket Eygi, Necip Fazıl and many others. He says, "The British deep state is the greatest enemy of Islam. If we are to liken Islam to a tree, other unbelievers cut down this tree the first chance they get and make an enemy of Muslims; but one day, that tree may sprout again. That is not the case for the British deep state; it tends, grows the tree and Muslims like it for this. But at night, it poisons the tree's roots without anyone noticing." Look, it is a hypocritical move. "Thus, the tree withers and never sprouts again." This is the same scheme carried against the Gülen movement. "It deceives Muslims by feigning sympathy. By poisoning Islam in this way, the British deep state buys the local ignoble hypocrites off in return for carnal desires such as money, position and women, and through them, it eliminates the Islamic scholars, books and knowledge." Do you see this? He identified the British deep state even at that time.
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