• 8 years ago
EADS, TENNESSEE — A Tennessee high schooler has raised thousands of dollars online to pay for her college tuition after claiming that her parents took away her college funds because she is dating a black guy.

According to Allie Dowdle’s Gofundme page, she started dating her boyfriend Michael about a year ago. When the Eads, Tennessee student first shared this news to her parents, they did not approve.

“My dad did not give me an option: he told me that I was not allowed to see Michael ever again. Why? Strictly because of skin color. It wasn't a quiet "no," either. I'll never forget the yelling my parents did, when they expressed how disappointed they were in me, that I could do so much better,” Allie writes on the fundraising site.

Allie reported ignored her parents and continued to see Michael secretely. She wrote that she and Michael approached her parents last month, but was again met with fierce opposition. Eventually, their relationship cost her her phone, car and college funds.

The goal on Allie’s Gofundme page was set at $10,000, but she received over $24,000 from almost a thousand people in just two days.

Do you believe Allie’s claim that her parents simply didn’t want her dating a black guy? Or do you think Allie is simply spoiled?


