Why Have Professing Christians Lost Interest in the Word of God [Part 2 of 2]

  • 7 years ago
Apostle Reginald M. Graham discusses the reasoning behind many Christians denouncing their faith as well as having a disregard for God Almighty. Basically, much of the blame can be placed on the Roman Catholic Church as well as its namesake religion, Roman Catholicism. Christianity was created by Jesus Christ and spread throughout the world by him and his disciples. Thus, because many people did not agree with the teachings of Christ, he was put to death and the same subsequently happened to his disciples. Fortunately, they all received the true glory of God as they were saved for proving their allegiance to God and his word. Roman Catholicism and its Protestant daughters have sabotaged Christianity by taking scriptures from the Holy Bible as twisting them to meet their own worldly pleasures. Speaking of which, many of the customs, laws, and Pagan practices of the world have been infused with Roman Catholicism. As a result, Christianity gets a bad reputation for being both too judgmental as well as hypocritical. There are only a few remnant preachers out here today who love the true word of God and are not afraid to preach it whereas the vast majority are accepting implementing worldly pleasures into their false religions when Jesus Christ had already founded Christianity. After all, it was prophesied in the scriptures that the people of the world will take more interest in worldly and material things than wanting to know the word of God. We hope that you enjoy this powerful message from Apostle Reginald M. Graham and learn from it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, leave a comment below or contact Apostle Graham himself at (337) 401-0722.