Despite dhai kilo ke hathodawale haat, gorgeous actresses Amrita Singh, Dimple Kapadia and Raveena Tandon made the action king go weak at the knees. Despite married to Pooja Deol, Sunny allowed his reel affairs to spill out to real life. Even Amrita Singh was often heard saying that the only 'real man' in her life was Sunny Deol. Unfortunately, she had no idea then about Sunny's hidden relationship.
After the revelation of Sunny's married life, Amrita moved on and soon Sunny's relationship with Dimple Kapadia started making the rounds. Reports were rife that Sunny Deol had even given Dimple Kapadia the status of a wife, while still having a wife at home! Even though Sunny and Dimple fiercely guarded their personal lives, their involvement was evident.
However, after over 11 years of a long-lasting affair with Dimple, Sunny couldn't help but lend it to the beautiful and vulnerable Raveena Tandon, who was suffering from a nervous breakdown. On the sets of Ziddi, they became "good friends", immediately threatening the position of an already-dethroned wife, Pooja Deol, and the past reigning girlfriend Dimple. This acted as a catalyst in the husband-wife relationship, as Pooja decided that enough was enough.
Ups and downs have been remained part and parcel of Sunny's life. During his peak days in Bollywood, Sunny Deol suffered a chronic back problem. For many years, he has quietly and not so quietly been suffering from the problem. On many occasions in his career, he has been laid off because of his back yet his undying spirit and invincibility (as his real name suggests) is intact both in real and reel life.
After the revelation of Sunny's married life, Amrita moved on and soon Sunny's relationship with Dimple Kapadia started making the rounds. Reports were rife that Sunny Deol had even given Dimple Kapadia the status of a wife, while still having a wife at home! Even though Sunny and Dimple fiercely guarded their personal lives, their involvement was evident.
However, after over 11 years of a long-lasting affair with Dimple, Sunny couldn't help but lend it to the beautiful and vulnerable Raveena Tandon, who was suffering from a nervous breakdown. On the sets of Ziddi, they became "good friends", immediately threatening the position of an already-dethroned wife, Pooja Deol, and the past reigning girlfriend Dimple. This acted as a catalyst in the husband-wife relationship, as Pooja decided that enough was enough.
Ups and downs have been remained part and parcel of Sunny's life. During his peak days in Bollywood, Sunny Deol suffered a chronic back problem. For many years, he has quietly and not so quietly been suffering from the problem. On many occasions in his career, he has been laid off because of his back yet his undying spirit and invincibility (as his real name suggests) is intact both in real and reel life.