• 8 years ago

The epic battle between The Thing vs Abomination takes place in Grand Theft Auto V

The Thing (Benjamin Jacob Grimm) was born on Yancy Street in the heart of New York City into a poor Jewish family. When Ben was a young kid his older brother, Daniel Grimm, was the leader of the Yancy Street Gang, a group of young trouble-makers from the area. When he was old enough Ben joined this gang as well. He was inducted into the gang by being ‘beaten in.’ Growing up poor along with his gang affiliation and related activities made Ben street-smart, tough and 'hard' very early in life. All of these personality characteristics have served him well throughout his lifetime of brawling and adventuring.

Abomination (Emil Blonsky) was a special-ops commando with the British Royal Marines on loan to General Thaddeus Ross in his efforts to capture Bruce Banner better known as Hulk. Blonsky was injected with a small dose of the mothballed original Super Soldier Serum and later was injected with Bruce Banner's blood causing him to transform into the Hulk-sized Abomination. The Abomination proceeded to go on a rampage in Harlem until he was defeated by Hulk and captured by the United States Armed Forces.

The Thing and Abomination made by modder TheMadBreaker

Script by JulioNIB

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Be sure to check out other epic battles between superheroes:


★ The Thing vs Hulk

★ The Thing vs Grey Hulk

★ Abomination vs Hulk

★ Hulk vs Abomination vs Iron Man

★ Abomination vs Flash

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