By : High School Musical 2: School's Out! live street show at Walt Disney Studios Park, Disneyland Resort Paris
As the school bell rings, the Wildcats hit the Walt Disney Studios for their Summer vacation!
Join the unstoppable cast of High School Musical 2: School's Out! for a high-spirited musical revue of the hit songs from the second Disney Channel movie.
Includes "What time is it?", "Work this out", "You are the music in me", "I don't dance", "All for one", "We're all in this together".
As the school bell rings, the Wildcats hit the Walt Disney Studios for their Summer vacation!
Join the unstoppable cast of High School Musical 2: School's Out! for a high-spirited musical revue of the hit songs from the second Disney Channel movie.
Includes "What time is it?", "Work this out", "You are the music in me", "I don't dance", "All for one", "We're all in this together".