Cuba: Fidel Castro's tomb becomes place of pilgrimage

  • 7 years ago
Tens of thousands of people have been flocking to the tomb of Fidel Castro, who died in November aged 90.

Its location was one of the most tightly kept secrets, but now it has become one of the most important and visited sites in Cuba.

A simple stone lies in the Santa Ifigenia cemetery in the eastern city of Santiago – the birthplace of Castro’s revolution.

‘‘When you come to visit his tomb, you are going to see that he did not build a big monument, it’s a stone, a small stone, which is significant because it’s the way that he saw his revolution,” said Michael Derowin, a Canadian tourist.

“He was a very humble person and it’s very nice to see this.’‘

President Raul Castro has barred the naming of streets and monuments after his late brother.

Statues are also not allowed, in keeping with the former leader’s desire to avoid a cult of personality.


