• 8 years ago
Kalasha, Dardic
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Joshi it is celebrated in May and marks the arrival of spring, Uchau this festival takes place in mid August, Caumus it is the most important festival held in mid December
Cikik Ghal, kirik Ghal and Him Ghal Meaning ‘’Snow Golf’
The summers are mild and agreeable with average maximum temperatures between 23° and 27 °C (73° - 81 °F) and Winters, on the other hand, can be very cold, with average minimum temperatures between 2° and 1 °C (36° - 34 °F)
Located in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, three isolated mountain valleys: Bumburet (Kalash: Mumuret), Rumbur (Rukmu), and Birir (Biriu).
Blonde hair and Blue eyes
The people of Chitral apparently adopted the name of the former Kafiristan Kalasha
Kalasha women usually wear long black robes, often embroidered with cowrie shells and Pakistani shalwar kameez
Islam,Proto-Indo-Iranian religion (Indo-European religion)
Three or four dancers of either sex hold shoulders and go round the elders in a counter-clockwise direction
Valley Kalash Title:
Place of kafirstan
Amazing Valley:
Bamboreet, Barare and Ramboor
Sajigor, Mahandeo, Balumain, Dezalik, Ingaw, Jestak
Kalasha (also known as Kalashamondr) is an Indo-European language in the Indo-Aryan branch spoken by the Kalash people, further classified as a Dardic language in the Chitral group.[3] The Kalasha language is phonologically atypical because it contrasts plain, long, nasal and retroflex vowels as well as combinations of these (Heegård & Mørch 2004).Kalasha is spoken by the Kalash people who reside in the remote valleys of Bumburet, Birir and Rumbur, which are west of Ayun, which is ten miles down the river from Chitral Town, high in the Hindu Kush mountains in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The Kalash have their own religion, with gods and goddesses. There are an estimated 5,000 speakers of Kalasha. Kalasha should not be confused with the nearby Nuristani language Waigali (Kalasha-ala). According to Badshah Munir Bukhari, a researcher on the Kalash, "Kalasha" is also the ethnic name for the Nuristani inhabitants of a region southwest of the Kalasha Valleys, in the Waygal and middle Pech Valleys of Afghanistan's Nuristan Province. The name "Kalasha" seems to have been adopted for the Kalash people by the Kalasha speakers of Chitral from the Nuristanis of Waygal, who for a time expanded up to southern Chitral several centuries ago.[5] However, there is no close connection between the Indo-Aryan language Kalasha-mun (Kalasha) and the Nuristani language Kalasha-ala (Waigali), which descend from different branches of the Indo-Iranian languages.
Ayun and Valleys Development Programme - AVDP​ did a project titled Kalasha Language and Culture Preservation. The documentary was part of the project, for this purpose #AVDP hired services of Mediaology (Pvt) Ltd​, and the documentary has been funded by SGAFP/NRSP and USAID.

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