President Trump Speaks To The Nation's Sherriff's On Safety And Immigration

  • 7 years ago
Listen in to important remarks made by President Trump at the MCCA Winter Conference to Sherriff's, Police Chiefs and Law Enforcement Executives from around the nation at the j.W. Marriott in Washington D.C. Here is the full transcript: THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. This is -- great to be with people I truly feel comfortable with. Please sit down. They’ll say I didn’t get a standing ovation because they never sat down. (Laughter.) And I say, I got one standing ovation because they never sat down.

But I want to thank you. I have great, great love for what you do and the way you do it. And when I’m with the police chiefs and I’m with the sheriffs of our country -- and these are the big ones. These are the really big ones. I just want to thank you very much. And I thought before I spoke about what we’re really here to speak about, I would read something to you. Because you can be a lawyer, or you don’t have to be a lawyer; if you were a good student in high school or a bad student in high school, you can understand this.

And it’s really incredible to me that we have a court case that’s going on so long. As you know, in Boston, we won it with a highly respected judge and a very strong opinion, but now we’re in an era that, let’s just say, they are interpreting things differently than probably 100 percent of the people in this room. I’d like to almost know, does anybody disagree when I read this.

But I’m going to read what’s in dispute, what’s in question. And you will see this -- it’s INA 212(f) 8 U.S.C. 1182(f): “Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the President” -- okay, now, this isn’t just me, this is for Obama, for Ronald Reagan, for the President. And this was done, very importantly, for security -- something you people know more about than all of us. It was done for the security of our nation, the security of our citizens, so that people come in who aren’t going to do us harm.

And that’s why it was done. And it couldn’t have been written any more precisely. It’s not like, oh, gee, we wish it were written better. It was written beautifully. So just listen, here’s what it says. This is what they’re arguing:

"Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens" -- okay, the entry, the entry of any aliens -- "or of any class of aliens" -- so any aliens, any class of aliens -- "into the United States" -- so the entry of people into the United States. Let’s say, just to be precise, of aliens into the United States.

So any time -- "whenever the President finds that the entry of any alien or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States" -- right? So if I find, as President, that a person or group of people will be detrimental to the interests of the United States -- and certainly there’s lots of examples that we have, but you shouldn’t even have them, necessarily -- he may be -- and "he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary…" Now, the only mistake is they should have said "he or she." But hopefully, it won’t be a she for at least another seven years. After that, I’m all -- (laughter and applause.) See? I just noticed that, actually. I just noticed it. I’m saying, whoa, this is not politically correct. It’s correct, but it’s not politically correct, you know, this is the old days.

He may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary -- so here it is, people coming in -- suspend the entry of all aliens. Right? That’s what it says. It’s not like -- again, a bad high school student would understand this. Anybody would understand this. Suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens. Okay, so you can suspend the aliens, right? You can suspend the aliens from coming in -- very strong -- or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Okay. So you can suspend, you can put r

