• 8 年前
Thought of making your own kunai from Naruto? Try it with Play Doh! The Kunai (クナイ, Kunai), along with the shuriken, is one of the most common ninja tools.\r
How to make Naruto Shippuden by Play doh - Make Play dough 2016 I am an artist Play doh. My job is to make playdough. I can squeeze everything. If you want .\r
Today, we are going to open this Giant Naruto ナルトSurprise Egg. There are a lot of cool toys inside the egg such as Petit Chara Land NARUTO Shippuden .\r
PlayDoh Kids Toys presents Play-Doh Pizza Party Playset, Doh Food Cooking Games. This playset includes pizza pan, half-mold paddle, pizza box, cheese .\r


