• 8 years ago
The List if you have hearing disabilities, broken audio etc:
10) Goldberg ends Bret Hart'd career with a kick
9) Triple H gets a concussion
8) Sting nearly dies in the ring
7) Diesel power bombs Big Show onto his head
6) Undertaker throws Mankind from Hell in a Cell
5) Kurt Angle nearly breaks Shane McMahon's neck
4) Brock Lesnar breaks Hardcore Holly's neck
3) Brock Lesnar nearly breaks his own neck at Wrestlemania with a Shooting Star Press
2) Owen Hart breaks Stone Cold's neck
1) Triple H botches pedigree
WWE Top 10 Wrestlers Who Almost DIED in the Ring
WWE Top 10 Wrestlers Who Almost DIED in the Ring
WWE Top 10 Wrestlers Who Almost DIED in the Ring
