iTunes: Spotify: 喜歡你,那雙眼動人,笑聲更迷人,願再可,輕撫你~ X.X.X. Live世界巡演每去到一個城市, 一唱到.\r
本家: 感谢大家一直以来对UP的支持,本当に感谢しました請關注我的Twitter得到最新最火的Bilibili視頻提醒:) .\r
Credit========== No copyright infringement intended and I DO NOT OWN THIS. The ownership and copyright of this video belong to Smosh and this video is .
本家: 感谢大家一直以来对UP的支持,本当に感谢しました請關注我的Twitter得到最新最火的Bilibili視頻提醒:) .\r
Credit========== No copyright infringement intended and I DO NOT OWN THIS. The ownership and copyright of this video belong to Smosh and this video is .