Noorai Qaida Lesson no 10 Best Teaching by Quranic

  • 7 years ago
Quranic Classes is an international Islamic institute who is providing online Quranic/ Islamic classes all over the world independently. Our primary Aim is to spread the knowledge of Islam and Glorified Quran at lowest cost as we can go lower. By the grace of Allah subhanhu wta’ala we are working independently without getting any kind of funds or expenses from any government or any other religious organization. We charge a small cost to our regular students to run this institute. Many of the parents of our students are satisfy with our teaching and services, they remember us in their prayers, Mostly we get many surprises of prayers from the parents. We facilitate anyone from anywhere to Learn the Glorious Quran with Tajweed, on their desired time and days at their home. Our one-on-one classes are equally beneficial for Muslim kids, Brothers and Sisters, We offers a Trial Session which is totally free of cost,

We encourage everyone to be a good reciter of the holy Quran with the help of our professional tutors who can understand your eligibilities to learn the Holy Quran. For your satisfaction we have a Free Trial Session.
We have a high speed internet connection as well as supper –power back up to provide of electricity to provide 24/7 best services. There are many other Quran Teaching websites on internet but the most important thing affiliates with us is reliability, credibility, flexibility, affordability available with others. Allahmd-o-lilah we are appreciated due to our friendly and politely dealing with our students. So you don’t need to take any hesitation, feel free to join us for a free session or regular courses.
By the Grace of Allah subhanhu-wta`ala we have complete solution for online Quran Learning, now it is very easy and simple for everyone from everywhere, you just need a computer/ laptop or any smart device to install a few software and save our syllabus, a high speed internet connection and headphones with microphone, our team help you in installation and adjustment of everything. To see the results of our services and qualities visit our free trial session, we ensure you that you will be satisfied and get many benefits insha Allah.

Most of the students can’t find their lesson on the page during the class and can’t follow the teacher, but we have complete solution of this problem with the help of marker which moves on the screen by teacher’s mouse, students can find their lesson easily, as well as by student’s mouse if teacher allow them. This is a good facility for students, in this way they can ask any question/rule any time.

If students get boring in the class, we provide them the control of our computer to move the marker on the screen for their drollery, we enable him again a sangfroid reader. That’s way our each student is a good reader as him/ his level. Our primary policy is to create a relationship between humanity and the Glorious Quran worldwide with the help of modern technology in this fast age. Our unique, friendly and politely method of teaching have a great reputation in the world. Almost all students and parents are satisfied with us.
By the Blessedness of Glorious God Almighty we hired highly educated, well trained and professional male and female teachers, who have enormous experience in online Quran teaching. Our male and female Quran teachers have spacious knowledge about the sacred Quran and Islam. Most of them are Hafiz-ul-Quran. They have a good handiness on Arabic, Urdu and English language to deal any student who has different language. They can teach Muslim kids, Brothers and Sisters differently as their comprehension levels. We offer a free trial session to check our proficiency in this field, so fell free to Contact Us from anywhere to clear any relevant question.
We all Muslims are providential because God Almighty granted us His approbate religious Islam and His Glorious Book to live with a benefited and successful live, to get delightfulness in this world and in the next world. It is necessary for us to get basic knowledge of God like Quran, particularly when we arrange a study area for our children. We should dispose a reliable way for their Quranic/ Islamic education. Quranic Classes have a great considerateness to keep them on a straight path and enable good knower of Islam’s aspects, especially to make a Good a Reciter of the Holy Quran.

It is a great opportunity for every Muslim to learn the blessed Quran with Quranic Classes which provides one to one Quranic classes on your desired time while staying at home. Start today without any hesitation with a Trial Session which is totally Free of Cost.

