• 8 yıl önce
Ülkemizin Denizli şehrinde bulunan Pamukkale Travertenleri, jeolojik olaylar sonucu oluşmuş fay hatlarından gelen termal sıcak su kaynaklarının buradaki kayaçlar üzerine dökülmesiyle ortaya çıkan bir yapıdır. Tamamen doğal yollarla oluşmuş olan Pamukkale travertenleri şifa kaynağı olan 17 adet sıcak su alanı içermektedir. Sadece ülkemizde değil, dünya genelinde tanınan travertenler yoğun bir şekilde turist ve ziyaretçi akınına uğramaktadır. Ayrıca travertenlerden çıkan sular, sağlık turizmi için de bölgeyi zenginleştirmiştir.
Pamukkale, meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey. The city contains hot springs and travertines, terraces of carbonate minerals left by the flowing water. It is located in Turkey's Inner Aegean region, in the River Menderes valley, which has a temperate climate for most of the year.

The ancient Greco-Roman and Byzantine city of Hierapolis was built on top of the white "castle" which is in total about 2,700 metres (8,860 ft) long, 600 m (1,970 ft) wide and 160 m (525 ft) high. It can be seen from the hills on the opposite side of the valley in the town of Denizli, 20 km away.
Tourism is and has been a major industry. People have bathed in its pools for thousands of years. As recently as the mid-20th century, hotels were built over the ruins of Heropolis, causing considerable damage. An approach road was built from the valley over the terraces, and motor bikes were allowed to go up and down the slopes. When the area was declared a World Heritage Site, the hotels were demolished and the road removed and replaced with artificial pools. Wearing shoes in the water is prohibited to protect the deposits.
Pamukkale, qui signifie "château de coton" en turc, est un site naturel dans la province de Denizli dans le sud-ouest de la Turquie. La ville contient des sources chaudes et des travertines, des terrasses de minéraux carbonatés laissés par l'eau qui coule. Il est situé dans la région de la mer Égée Intérieure de la Turquie, dans la vallée de la rivière Menderes, qui a un climat tempéré pendant la majeure partie de l'année.
Pamukkale, was bedeutet "Baumwollschloss" auf Türkisch, ist ein natürlicher Ort in der Provinz Denizli im Südwesten der Türkei. Die Stadt enthält heiße Quellen und Travertine, Terrassen von Karbonatmineralien, die von dem fließenden Wasser zurückgelassen werden. Es befindet sich in der türkischen Inneren Ägäis, im Fluss Menderes Tal, das ein gemäßigtes Klima für die meisten des Jahres hat.

