• 7 years ago
If you are looking for an FSSAI Consultant or need FSSAI Registration Advise or Food License, Please visit our website at https://enterslice.com/fssai-registration.html

In this Video we will talk about Food or FSSAI License in India. Informative Content by Enterslice, Award Winning Consulting Firm in India.

Food License is issued in India by FSSAI. The primary purpose of the Act is to regulate the functioning of food operator, online seller, manufacturer, distributor, and importer.

If you are engaged in Food Business in any way, you are required by law to obtain a food license.

Food License is applicable to All food units engaged in Food operating business (processing, packaging, manufacturing, re-labelling, Marketing, import and distribution or 100% Export unit).

There are many type of food licenses and the one you need can be classified on the basis of turnover.

For a Turnover less than rupees twelve lakh, a basic license is required.

For a Turnover between rupees twelve lakh to twenty crore, a state license is required.

For a Turnover over rupees twenty crore, a central license is required.

Now let’s see different Frequently Asked Questions in some business scenarios.

Case 1: What type of license is required if you have Multiple Units in Same State?

The Answer is, You need Multiple FSSAI Licenses depending upon turnover for every store you are planning to open.

Case 2: What type of license is required if you have Multiple Units in different States?

The Answer is, You need Multiple FSSAI Licenses depending upon turnover for every store you are planning to open, plus a Central License.

Case 3: What type of license is required if you are a Milk Van transporter will multiple Milk Vans?

The Answer is, You need a Single FSSAI License depending upon turnover of the business.

Case 4: What type of license is required if you are a food court owner with multiple cuisine restaurants in same food court?

The Answer is, You need a Single FSSAI License depending upon turnover of the business.
