[ENG SUB] School Attack with HIGHLIGHT 하이라이트!

  • 7 years ago
[ENG SUB] School Attack with HIGHLIGHT 하이라이트!
00:00I introduce today's guests of School Attack.
00:02A newly debuted group with nine years of experience,
00:08It has been a while.
00:09(My goodness.)
00:10- Hello, we are Highlight. - Hello, we are Highlight.
00:12They have a unique introduction.
00:13We decided to make ourselves more approachable.
00:16That's right.
00:17These five men met the new highlight of their lives.
00:21(They shook the nation.)
00:22They came back to us...
00:25with the most cheerful dance song.
00:27With hopes for their bright future,
00:29I visited a university campus with them.
00:31What events will unfold today?
00:34You can look forward to them.
00:36Do you consider yourself a newly debuted group?
00:39Under a new group name,
00:41- we released a cheerful dance song. - Right.
00:44Please consider us a newly debuted group...
00:45and give us your love and support.
00:48We will be grateful.
00:50- Your song topped music charts. - That's right.
00:55In 8 or 9 years of our musical career,
00:57this is the first time we topped weekly music charts.
01:02- It's a bit... - It's unbelievable.
01:04I see.
01:05I never thought I would see this day.
01:07Du Jun always says it's a miracle.
01:11It's a miracle.
01:12You laugh a lot now.
01:13(They look more cheerful than they did before.)
01:14Our new song...
01:15has an optimistic message.
01:19- It makes us... - It excites us.
01:22- The situation is good, too. - Yes.
01:24That's why we are cheerful.
01:25Didn't they become more cheerful?
01:27To pay back for fans' support,
01:30they have a mini fan meeting at an assembly hall.
01:33To participate in a precious opportunity,
01:34many university students gathered.
01:37(Please don't be sad)
01:39The shoot took place...
01:40only a few days after their new song was released.
01:42Despite that, many people cheered...
01:45and sang along.
01:46The members were moved.
01:49(The song has easy dance and cheerful rhythm.)
01:53Show me a smile
01:56(They give off positive energy.)
01:59(This is fun.)
02:05How was the performance?
02:07It was good.
02:08What is up with this side?
02:13Look at that side.
02:14(They show frenzied reaction.)
02:16My goodness.
02:17Major of broadcasting commission is the best.
02:19(They are the best.)
02:20They are the best.
02:24we will have a short, but fun fan meeting.
02:29All right.
02:30Who are Highlight's ideal type?
02:32Who think Highlight can't live without them?
02:34I will pick five people.
02:37All right.
02:39Please come closer.
02:40You can stand next to Yo Sub.
02:42That's good.
02:44She was surprised.
02:45Are you okay? You were surprised.
02:49What is Highlight to you?
02:51- Love. - That's good.
02:53(- I love you, too. - That's right.)
02:54What is Highlight to you?
02:56Food at convenience store.
02:57- Food at convenience store. - What does it mean?
02:59That means we are instant food.
03:01We are instant food.
03:02- What does that mean? - I agree.
03:03What does that mean?
03:04They are all mine.
03:07She is witty.
03:09All right.
03:10A dance party with Highlight members starts.
03:15(Wait a minute, Yo Sub.)
03:16To become their ideal type,
03:19they show off their charms.
03:20(Couple's dance)
03:22She dances without hesitation.
03:25She doesn't hold back.
03:26She is enthusiastic and daring.
03:29The members are startled.
03:31(It's Gi Kwang's turn.)
03:32It looks like she can't dance.
03:33It doesn't matter.
03:34In the moment she shares with Gi Kwang,
03:36she isn't even envious of Beyonce.
03:38She becomes embarrassed.
03:42She must deal with that embarrassment.
03:43Men, make some noise...
03:46if you like Highlight.
03:47- Yes! - Yes!
03:48It's a shout of friendship.
03:49How does Highlight feel?
03:51They are scary.
03:52Have you had a fun fan meeting...
03:55with men?
03:57- No. - We haven't yet.
03:59That's why we prepared this.
04:01It's a close-contact fan meeting with men.
04:03My goodness.
04:04Please come this way.
04:06All right.
04:09let's have a conversation.
04:11What do you want to be in the future?
04:12I want to be a comedian.
04:15A comedian.
04:16He is an eccentric man.
04:19He shows a dance.
04:20What kind of dance is that?
04:21(The dance makes everyone laugh.)
04:22He moves in an uncoordinated way.
04:25Everyone is shocked.
04:27- They were intrigued though. - What do you think?
04:30So who's willing to learn this dance?
04:32- Tell me. - I saw him dance,
04:34and I couldn't help...
04:35but be intrigued.
04:37Just let your body sway to the rhythm.
04:39First, step to the side.
04:41He started to teach them his dance.
04:43Once more.
04:44Give it up for Highlight and their fan.
04:47It'll bring you joy to dance with your family.
04:50Highlight meets a prospective comedian.
04:54Isn't this a scene?
04:57What on earth are they doing?
04:58That was great, everybody.
05:00Who is Yoon Du Jun to you?
05:02He's like steamed rice.
05:03Steamed rice?
05:04What kind of steamed rice?
05:06Watery steamed rice.
05:08- What? - He gets a pass since he's male.
05:10Ladies, is what he said all right?
05:12- Yes! - Good.
05:13He says that Du Jun is his role model.
05:17(Du Jun dances with his male fan.)
05:18(Should I make the first move?)
05:20He just told me if he should make the first move.
05:23- Come on. - The fan shows Du Jun his love.
05:27(This isn't appropriate.)
05:28He does a dirty dance with his fan.
05:31The ladies cry in shock.
05:34(It left them in a world of chaos.)
05:35That was too dirty.
05:37(The reinvented Highlight met with students.)
05:39We thank the students for joining us.
05:42Now I'll talk in more depth with Highlight.
05:47- Here they are. - How was it today?
05:49We were their age when we debuted,
05:50but now we're much older.
05:52The youthful energy definitely was uplifting.
05:54- I'd like to say this. - Sure.
05:56I want our group name to be...
05:59the most searched meaning of the word "highlight".
06:03- What... - When people search "highlight",
06:05I don't want "induction" to pop up with it.
06:07When we type our name in a search engine,
06:10- it first suggests "induction". - Right.
06:12- Next it suggests "sports highlights". - Yes.
06:14Those things are suggested first.
06:16How are you doing in terms of stamina...
06:18in comparison to what you were like back in 2009.
06:20- That's long ago. - We were never out of breath.
06:24How many breaks do you need?
06:25We need one every two songs.
06:28- 2 to 3. - No, 1 or 2.
06:30- Right? - Right.
06:32After three songs, a break is mandatory.
06:33- We still do all right though. - Of course.
06:38- You're in your 20s. - Don't lie.
06:40I mean it.
06:41- You're the worst. - Every morning...
06:44he complains that he's sore everywhere.
06:47I asked them what they could do...
06:49to ensure the best for Highlight.
06:51- Here we go. - "For Highlight,"
06:52"I could even do a military haircut."
06:54That's actually quite funny.
06:56I could do a half military cut.
06:58- Did you hear that? - Gosh.
07:00- He said he'd do it halfway. - Right.
07:04Are you saying you could do a non-flattering haircut?
07:06I could,
07:08but we're already doing quite well in the industry,
07:11so it wouldn't be necessary.
07:14- A military cut? - Yes, I wouldn't...
07:16have to go as far as to doing that.
07:19Look carefully at the question and you'll see...
07:22I wouldn't have to go as far as that.
07:25Jun Hyung, what's your favorite sport?
07:28I like sport done halfway.
07:31He's saying that like an old man.
07:35We'd love to have you again on our show next time.
07:38- We'd love that too. - Good.
07:39- If... - With military cuts.
07:41If our next album isn't as good,
07:43- and it won't reach the top... - Are you promising?
07:45(No, hold on!)
07:47If our next album...
07:48doesn't turn out to be that big of a hit...
07:52Will he say it?
07:53I'll cut my hair short.
07:55- Would you really? - Yes, I'll try...
07:59a short military cut.
08:00That's when your next album doesn't do well.
08:03For Highlight's future in the music industry,
08:05we will all wish them the best.
08:07Of course.
08:10I had a blast.
08:11(Entertainment Weekly)
08:12(Hot Star-gram)
08:13We follow only the hottest celebrities.
08:16This is Hot Star-gram.
08:18- Let's go. - Hello, everyone.
08:19I'm Han Seok Kyu.
08:21Today, we follow Han Seok Kyu,
08:23one of Korea's most prominent actors.
08:27He is 54,
08:28and has starred in 23 movies and 13 TV series.
08:32Thanks to his gentle persona...
08:33and talents on the screen,
08:36he took Korea by storm ever since the 90s.
08:40The thing I like most is...
08:41the fact that I'm able to play different characters...
08:44across various genres.
08:46We call him the legendary actor Han Seok Kyu.
08:50His role in "Swiri" made history...
08:51in terms of Korean movies,
08:53and he's always been a star in terms of...
08:55romance movies.
08:57He played a gigolo running around...
08:59- in his underwear at night. - I'm not second.
09:02I'm his top lieutenant.
09:04He even played a mobster very realistically...
09:06and he reinvented himself as...
09:08a ruthless villain in his upcoming movie "The Prison".
09:11Seok Kyu had and still...
09:15has a mesmerizing voice. Ladies would fall at his feet.
09:18He used to be a voice actor.
09:21We also love him...
09:22- for his sweet voice. - When entering another world,
09:25you can turn it off for a while.
09:28Viewers loved hearing his calm...
09:30and gentle voice in commercials.
09:32It both captivated the hearts...
09:33- of men and women. - Her bike...
09:35settled in my heart.
09:37I was picked up by KBS in 1989 as a voice actor.
09:42Many still don't know that he was...
09:45an officially hired voice actor of KBS.
09:48(Anyone can tell it's Han Seok Kyu.)
09:49(His deep voice)
09:52His unique deep voice.
09:54Many celebrities have known to be jealous of it.
09:58Will you let me?
09:59(Yoo Ji Tae doing an impression)
10:01Will you let me?
10:02There's even a man who became a master at it.
10:06(His expressions mimic that of Han Seok Kyu.)
10:09(He sounds just like Han Seok Kyu.)
10:11- He's amazing. - Some even try his expressions.
10:14I'm Han Seok Kyu.
10:16(The five-second Han Seok Kyu)
10:17Here's another fun fact about him.
10:20My original dream was to become a singer.
10:24He won fourth place at the "Gangbyeon Singing Contest".
10:28Let's go ahead and hear him sing.
10:31(He wanted to be a singer.)
10:33(A sweet tender voice, Perfect harmony)
10:38(Singing the soundtrack perfectly)
10:39He sang the soundtrack.
10:44I try to remember
10:49Gosh, I forgot the lyrics.
10:52(An embarrassing moment)
10:57The seemingly perfect guy is not always collected.
11:00Here are some more examples.
11:02Did you know that he had a cute side to him?
11:04- How? - I yell when that happens.
11:07You know, I yell too.
11:10My gosh. This is a side I haven't seen before.
11:13Here you go.
11:15Let me tell you a funny story.
11:18- Kang Ho was once in a car accident. - I see.
11:20Seok Kyu tells the audience the most funny story.
11:23- How does it end? - People were frantic,
11:26but do you know what the first thing he said was?
11:29"Don't touch me."
11:30(Who knew that he was good at voice impressions?)
11:34Everyone stayed clear of him,
11:37and that's when he asked for an ambulance.
11:38(Choi Min Sik took over his story.)
11:39There's more that...
11:41adds to his charm.
11:42(He swore at her.)
11:44You swore at me quite a lot.
11:48- He's not rude though. - He makes...
11:49the same foul words sound different.
11:52(They stick to your ears. He has a wide vocabulary.)
11:55You sure know how to curse in the best way possible.
11:59You also can't forget his view on acting...
12:01which he gathered over 28 years. - Playing a role...
12:04is like giving birth to a child.
12:06As long as I'm acting,
12:08I'd always want to be successful.
12:11I'm never satisfied.
12:13I haven't once been satisfied with my acting.
12:16Maybe I should quit then.
12:18(Thoughtful but ludicrous remarks)
12:20He always studies the craft of acting,
12:22and moves our hearts through his performances.
12:26(He's known to always be invested in his characters.)
12:30That's one of his best scenes.
12:31Acting is deceiving. It's all a pretend.
12:35You're right.
12:36But it's our job to make it look real.
12:38He invites us into his beautiful world of make-believe,
12:42and we'd love nothing more than to stay in it forever.
12:46They promise us more than just a funny movie.
12:48Please meet the cast of "The Sheriff in Town".
12:50- Hello. - It's nice to meet you.
12:54"The Sheriff in Town" is about a former detective...
12:57who investigates drugs in his neighborhood.
13:00It's a comedy cop drama.
13:03That's right.
13:05I've been dying to meet the three of you.
13:08I heard that this wasn't your first encounter though.
13:12I've worked numerous times...
13:14with both of these actors before.
13:18That's why we had a blast.
13:20I went over the entire cast only to find...
13:24that most of them were middle-aged men.
13:26Nearly all of you are middle-aged.
13:28Do you think it would've been glum on set...
13:31- just because we're old? - Was it not?
13:33I'm thinking of someone who's relatively younger.
13:37There's our mascot, Bae Jung Nam.
13:39He plays Chun Mo in the movie.
13:42He sounds like a middle-aged man though.
13:45He only seems cool when...
13:47he doesn't talk.
13:48Which of you is the vitamin of the crew?
13:51We're more like the proteins of the cast,
13:54so I'll say Kim Jong Soo and Bae Jung Nam.
13:58It's been a while since we've been in Seoul,
14:03so they seem quite different today.
14:05I almost don't even recognize them.
14:07I heard that you had many action scenes.
14:11I was on the receiving end of a lot of punches.
14:14He once had to run past me on a bicycle.
14:18Even though I pedaled as fast as I could,
14:20he actually managed to run past me.
14:22- Really? - He ran that fast.
14:24You wouldn't believe how hard it was.
14:25My legs gave in.
14:26(His legs gave in.)
14:27I heard Sung Kyun and Sung Min...
14:30are like Dumb and Dumber.
14:34I am not Dumb.
14:35He's just Dumber.
14:37- Is that right? I thought you were a duo. - Yes.
14:39I am very smart.
14:40(He says he's smart.)
14:41- He got a new nickname. - What is it?
14:44He's a professional assistant.
14:46- He assists so well. - Really?
14:48He was born to take care of people.
14:53- He's very diligent. - Yes.
14:55How do you feel to be highly praised?
14:57- Well... - Don't scratch.
14:59- Later... - Stop scratching.
15:00- they will... - Why do you keep scratching?
15:01- perhaps... - Give him another outfit.
15:03Maybe he's different when he's with younger actors.
15:06- We don't know how he is in that case. - Right.
15:08- When I am with younger actors, - What do you do?
15:12I become charismatic.
15:13(He's charismatic.)
15:15Jin Woong, I heard you consider who you work with...
15:17when you decide which film to work on.
15:20It takes a long time for one movie to finish.
15:25So you have to work together for a long time.
15:29For that reason, who I work with is very important.
15:31Jin Woong, they say you are good value for money.
15:33- Good value for money. - I said that.
15:36I'm good value for money. I'm not bad.
15:38Movie directors must love you.
15:40- I'm cheap. - He's good value for money.
15:42And I am very efficient.
15:44I have potential.
15:48Watch me.
15:50Since they have a good chemistry,
15:52they must have a lot in common too.
15:53What do you think are your common traits?
15:56We all have accent. Gyeongsang Province accent.
15:57- You're right. - We're all from Gyeongsang Province.
15:59That's amazing.
16:00You are all from Gyeongsang Province.
16:02I am from Bonghwa of North Gyeongsang Province.
16:05- I am from Busan. - You are from Busan.
16:07- I'm from Daegu. - You're from Daegu.
16:08People think Gyeongsang Province men are aloof.
16:13I think our men are sweet to their family.
16:15He's the sweetest.
16:18I'm not sure about Jin Woong.
16:21We still don't have a child.
16:23Are you still like newlyweds?
16:25What did you just say?
16:27- I took it too far, didn't I? - You surely did.
16:30He's been married for four years.
16:32The second common trait is that...
16:33you're all masters of disguise.
16:34Sung Min, you went back and forth...
16:37serious and light characters.
16:40When I am acting a cheerful character,
16:42I always do something I don't normally do.
16:46From that, I sometimes feel catharsis.
16:50My character in "The Sheriff in Town" is cheerful too.
16:52"The Sheriff in Town" is very fun.
16:56Jin Woong, you always play characters of different age.
17:00It puts me under a lot of pressure.
17:02- Right. - When I was working on "The Handmaiden",
17:03(He lost 18kg to play an old man.)
17:05I told Director Park...
17:06that I feel uncomfortable acting as an old man.
17:10Age is not something you can mimic.
17:15The makeup must've taken a long time too.
17:17The makeup actually helped me a lot.
17:20That enabled me to perfect the character.
17:24Sung Kyun, you are either a good man and a bad man.
17:29It's like sweet and salty.
17:31When we eat something sweet, we want something salty.
17:34When I act a good man, I want a bad man's role.
17:36After acting as a bad man, I become a good man again.
17:38In my opinion, he is normally very cheerful.
17:42But one day, he put on a murderer face.
17:46He can change his face.
17:47When his eyelids close half-way,
17:50- he becomes that murderer from... - "The Neighbor".
17:52Yes, that murderer.
17:54(When he acts as a villain, he gives us chills.)
17:55We approve Sung Kyun's acting.
17:58Let's check the next one.
17:59You all have nothing to do with romance.
18:00What do you think about this?
18:02We need to be given the chance.
18:04Jin Woong has a chance.
18:09I don't think shooting a romance is every actor's goal.
18:15It just might happen along the way.
18:19We can do romance too.
18:20(However, we can do romance too.)
18:22If you are given a chance to shoot a romance film,
18:23do you want to shoot a romantic comedy or...
18:25a serious romance?
18:27I'd be too worried about shooting a serious romance.
18:31When I get an offer to be in a serious romance film,
18:33- I have to get my wife's approval. - Yes.
18:36Does it mean you are willing to do it?
18:40You are faintly smiling.
18:43Dear viewers, the movie "The Sheriff in Town"...
18:48will wash off all your worries in this coming May.
18:52Please watch it.
18:55- Go, "The Sheriff in Town"! - "The Sheriff in Town"!
18:58- Thank you! - I will go watch it.
19:00(Entertainment Weekly)
19:05Hello, I am actress Kim Yun Jin.
19:08I am going to start talking about my life.
19:12Join me on Star Zoom In.
19:14She's amazing.
19:16She's in every film we call a masterpiece.
19:19(We will zoom into her 20 years of acting life.)
19:21Today's guest on Star Zoom In...
19:22is the actress approved by the world, Kim Yun Jin.
19:25You must be busy promoting your new film.
19:28- I have interviews every day. - Right.
19:31Because you have a lot of interviews,
19:32you must wear a full makeup since early morning.
19:36- It's a little late right now. - Yes.
19:40So I fixed my makeup a little.
19:43- Did you? - It was a little messy.
19:46Let's start from your rookie days.
19:50Let's go back to the time when you first began acting.
19:53In middle school, I had a chance to act on stage.
19:58And I fell in love with acting.
20:00That's how it began,
20:01and I majored acting in Boston University.
20:03At the time, your professor said,
20:05"You are a good actress,"
20:08"but it won't be easy for you to find a role..."
20:12"because you're handicapped for being Asian."
20:14"There's only one answer."
20:15"I want you to become a great actress..."
20:17"better than any Caucasian actor."
20:19Your professor said that.
20:21I got absorbed in the situation for a moment.
20:24At first, it hurt me.
20:26- You were still young that time. - Yes.
20:28I thought he meant I could never be successful.
20:32I thought he was heartless.
20:33But he really adored me as a student.
20:36I think that's why he told me the reality.
20:39- He wanted you to wake up to it. - Right.
20:40He wanted me to wake up to a cold reality.
20:42"Shiri" was the work that made her famous.
20:47No matter what happens...
20:51No matter what happens to me...
20:55What's wrong?
20:56(She's embarrassed.)
20:59It's embarrassing to watch my old work.
21:02The aquarium kiss scene will be remembered forever.
21:07The soundtrack became a big hit too.
21:09"When I Dream".
21:10(Carol Kidd's "When I Dream" became popular too.)
21:15(She's touched.)
21:17Everyone in the nation knew you after this film.
21:24- Yes. - How does it feel to watch it again?
21:26- It made me emotional. - Did it?
21:28Did it remind you of the old times?
21:30You swept all of Rookie of the Year awards.
21:35- Yes. - You got it from three award ceremonies.
21:38Suddenly, many people recognized me.
21:41And the whole thing felt like a dream.
21:45- You were in a drama before that. - Yes.
21:48I played Choi Jae Sung's little sister.
21:50I played Mi Rim, who was a college student.
21:54- Next drama was "Wedding Dress". - "Wedding Dress".
21:57You played Hyun Joon's friend from his study abroad.
22:00- How handsome I was! - Yes.
22:01I was his friend, but I had a crush on him.
22:04How was Hyun Joon at the time?
22:06He had a completely different image, didn't he?
22:09On "Gingko Bed", he was so charismatic.
22:15- I look great. - I fell for him a little.
22:17- At the time. - Yes.
22:19But when I met him, I realized...
22:21he had a hand tremor.
22:24- Yun Jin. - So...
22:25I asked him why his hand trembles so much,
22:27and he said it was his habit.
22:29(How can you tell him that?)
22:33- He had a medicine bag. - Right.
22:35His medicine bag is this big now.
22:38Whenever I looked tired,
22:39he said, "Are you tired, Yun Jin? Let's see."
22:45He was very sweet.
22:47Is it time for VM?
22:50What's VM?
22:52Video message.
22:55Say hello to him.
22:56(Dear sweet guy Hyun Joon.)
22:58- Long time no see, Hyun Joon. - Long time no see.
23:00I always enjoy your work,
23:03and I am sorry about mentioning your medicine bag.
23:07- I hope to see you soon. - Yes, see you soon.
23:10You are funny.
23:11Film "Ardor" gave Yun Jin the honor of...
23:14receiving her first Best Actress award.
23:18I feel like collapsing.
23:21- She's a great actress. - People...
23:24focused too much on the love scenes,
23:29and my family felt sad about it.
23:32But that award acknowledged the film's artistry.
23:36And I was so relieved and thankful.
23:40Your career was very successful at the time.
23:43And you suddenly went back to the US.
23:47I had to attend the second audition of "Lost".
23:50I auditioned for the role of the female lead character.
23:54Director J.J. Abrams...
23:57said I wasn't Kate.
24:00That I thought, "Right. I can't do it."
24:01"I can't do it."
24:04And suddenly, he offered to make a role for me.
24:06It was like a dream in a way.
24:11I went in for a costume fitting.
24:12And the costume designer said...
24:14my character was like a husband's slave.
24:19I was so shocked.
24:21I called my agent right away...
24:23and said I couldn't do it.
24:25I said I couldn't let them...
24:27belittle a Korean character...
24:29and that I wasn't going to be in a show like this.
24:32That's when the director started...
24:35telling me about the character,
24:38the storyline of the first season,
24:40and the future of my character.
24:45Like that, Yun Jin became the first Korean actress...
24:48to become a lead actress of an American show.
24:50(During the interview of ABC)
24:53(She's the actress who crosses borders.)
24:54I am proud of her.
24:55(2014 Film "Ode to My Father")
24:58Acting different ages of the character,
25:00she showed her great acting...
25:01in the film "Ode to My Father".
25:07(She's embarrassed.)
25:09This movie brought back...
25:11the memories for the elders.
25:13They sympathized with the movie and became emotional.
25:16- It was funny too. - Yes.
25:19It was so fun.
25:20Before this,
25:22I played a lot of unrealistic characters.
25:25- But my character in this film was... - Humane.
25:28So I remember being very excited to play this role.
25:32He killed my husband...
25:34and took my son.
25:35Yun Jin is known to be very picky with her work.
25:38And she chose to work on this new film,
25:39"House of the Disappeared".
25:41I heard you shouted "Yes!"
25:42as soon as you got the script.
25:43What did that mean?
25:45It's a mystery thriller,
25:48but in the end, it's about family.
25:51I thought the script was very complete.
25:55- That's why I chose it without hesitating. - I see.
25:58We had a screening for the press today.
26:00I didn't know it was today.
26:01It was the most important day for us.
26:03How did people react?
26:05It was very good.
26:06So I feel very good right now.
26:09Will you make a pledge?
26:10I am sure many interviewers asked you to do it.
26:12If this film is viewed by more than 3 million people,
26:16I want to do something good.
26:17- Something good. - Yes.
26:19For "Ode to My Father", I made a pledge to donate...
26:20the same amount of money as the number of viewers.
26:23And I felt like I gained more...
26:26than I gave through the donation.
26:28I want to dream of making a great pledge.
26:33A little girl dreamed becoming an actress...
26:35from acting on a small stage.
26:37That girl became a great actress...
26:39and became someone's dream.
26:42I want to keep working on different projects...
26:44in Korea and in the US.
26:45I want to act for a long, long time.
26:49Please keep watching me.
26:53I hope you will always stay healthy and happy.
26:55Thank you.
26:56Yun Jin will never stop challenging herself.
26:59And we will always root for her.
27:00(We will root for her dream.)
27:03Yun Jin,
27:05it was nice to see you again.
27:06My medicine bag is quite small now.
27:09I hope your movie will be a hit...
27:10and your dream will come true.
27:12- We will root for you. - We will root for you.
27:14Saeng Min is up next.
27:16What have you got today?
27:17I prepared a continuation of...
27:19Korea's Favorite 100 Songs for Confessing Love.
27:22A lot of people love this list.
27:24(We will begin from rank number 55.)
27:25Am I the only one who thinks that way?
27:27Let's begin right away.
27:28Please start right away.
27:30(Even a flower bouquet is useless.)
27:32Have you ever got rejected?
27:34I prepared this list for you.
27:36Did you get rejected again?
27:39We help naive people to learn...
27:41- all about being in love... - He's got a mustache.
27:44- He used to only wear a wig. - and to be in love.
27:46This is Entertainment Weekly Confession Agency.
27:49We guarantee success. We will teach you...
27:52tips on how to confess your love.
27:54(Korea's Favorite 100 Songs for Confessing Love)
27:55He looks like he's about to die soon.
27:56Here, Seung Hye.
27:58Did you wait long?
28:00No, I didn't.
28:01It looks so delicious.
28:03It looks delicious.
28:04Chapter one.
28:05Become a fool in the face of love.
28:09(Gi Bong is the famous fool.)
28:10You won't leave me alone, will you?
28:12- Put one on top. - He's just like Gi Bong.
28:14And one more is good.
28:15What are you doing?
28:19(This time he becomes Young Gu.)
28:20Hello? Hello?
28:23You idiot!
28:25(She slaps him.)
28:27- Goodness. - A fool can love too.
28:31In 55th place is "From Fool to Fool" by Park Myung Soo.
28:35What is that?
28:36It's a talk show.
28:38Get the bag! Hurry!
28:40Myung Soo is a cranky man who always yells.
28:44But even he becomes a fool...
28:46in front of his girl.
28:49Myung Soo is the sweetest lover.
28:52- Is he? - Is he?
28:53- He is. - Why do you say that?
28:55I cried hard when...
28:56we decided to break up.
28:59- Did you cry? - I couldn't stop myself.
29:01In the car, I thought everything was over,
29:02but she called me and asked me where I was.
29:04She had made up her mind...
29:06not to break up with me.
29:07- He must've really loved her. - And you married her.
29:09He thought that was his last chance to love.
29:11I thought it was my last chance.
29:13Did his tears work?
29:15After 14 times of confession,
29:18he captured her heart.
29:20I prepared a song.
29:22It's called "From Fool to Fool".
29:24My fiance really loves this song.
29:26Can you sing it to us shortly?
29:29As you know, I specialize in lip-syncing.
29:33So I can't remember the lyrics.
29:36The lyrics are about his resolution...
29:38- to protect her until the end. - Right.
29:41And this song shows...
29:43his sincere love for his wife.
29:45(A fool can love too)
29:46I confidently recommend this song to you...
29:48who's in unrequited love.
29:50It's "From Fool to Fool".
29:52(I love you forever, darling.)
29:55In 54th place is...
29:57"We Make a Good Pair" by Sung Si Kyung.
30:00(It has an exciting Latin music base.)
30:01Because of his lovely voice that tickles our ears,
30:03this song makes us feel good.
30:06It's about a man who falls in love with a girl...
30:10he runs into every morning on the way to work.
30:13It was used in a commercial first,
30:16and it became a big hit.
30:17(Your scent which resembles morning captures me)
30:21- Shall we fall in love - Shall we fall in love
30:23If you are looking to confess your love,
30:26I recommend this song.
30:30("Will you go out with me?" makes our heart pound.)
30:39In 53rd place is "Really Like You" by Hye Eun Yi.
30:43In the late 70s, Hae Eun Yi was more popular than ever.
30:46Sang by Hae Eun Yi,
30:47this song captured many men's hearts.
30:50Like the title,
30:53this song's lyrics had a straightforward message.
30:55Today, it brings back faint memories...
30:57of love confession to mid-aged people.
30:59(I love)
31:07In 52nd place is "Confessions Is Not Flashy"...
31:08by Lee Seung Hwan.
31:10(It moves people's hearts with honest lyrics.)
31:18This song is famous for its lyrics which are...
31:21not fancy and very sincere.
31:23Seung Hwan recommended it as a proposal song.
31:28(He gives the couple a money gift.)
31:30(She's happy.)
31:31I want to congratulate you.
31:33What did you sing for her?
31:34"Confession Is Not Flashy".
31:37- Do you know that song? - Did you sing that?
31:39I like that song.
31:41When I saw her cooking,
31:43I made my mind.
31:44I asked her to live with me...
31:46and to help my mom a little.
31:50She was happy.
31:53Is that right?
31:55This song which made Sang Hyun get married...
31:57has a 100 percent success rate.
31:59"Confession Is Not Flashy" is rank number 52.
32:01(I only love you)
32:07In 51st place is "I Love You" by Lee Jae Hoon.
32:10Jae Hoon is Cool's lead vocalist with a mellow voice.
32:14Perhaps because of the lyrics...
32:16that contain a lover's honest feelings,
32:18many couples used it as an on-hold music.
32:22(It was a popular on-hold music.)
32:28It's one of the most popular songs sang at weddings.
32:31(But it's a little tough to sing.)
32:35"This song is quite high and difficult to sing."
32:38"Is there a way to sing it easily?"
32:40There's a simple way of singing it well.
32:42- What is it? - Go to a karaoke...
32:43and lower the key.
32:45- That's what you should do. - Lower...
32:46- I can't sing it with one key. - You can't.
32:49In the end, Jae Hoon ended up...
32:51(He lowered the key and released it again.)
32:52He released the lower-key version of it.
32:55He even included an instrumental version...
32:57so that people can use it to sing at a wedding.
32:59(I will love you even after my life ends)
33:02In 50th place is "I Love You" by S.E.S.
33:06With this shy love confession song,
33:07S.E.S captured every young man's heart in the '90s.
33:11S.E.S was the first generation girl group.
33:13At the time, they were everyone's girlfriends.
33:17Now, all three of them are married...
33:19to their lovers.
33:23Watching Shoo and Eugene,
33:25I realized having a baby is really lovely.
33:28Where is your Spider Man hat?
33:31(Lo Hee dresses up as Eugene.)
33:32Lo Hee is Eugene.
33:34Ra Hee is Ba Da.
33:35And Ra Yool is Shoo.
33:39They gave birth to the little S.E.S too.
33:43(Wait for it!)
33:46(The golden fairy showcases her dance skills.)
33:48(It often gets remade even after 10 years.)
33:50Many years have passed,
33:52but this song is still beloved.
33:54As the first generation girl group,
33:57they still are very lovely.
34:00We hope they will never change.
34:02(We hope their friendship doesn't change.)
34:07In 49th place is "Flower" by Jang Yoon Jeong.
34:12I am sorry about the last time.
34:14No. Don't mention it.
34:16(They are loud.)
34:18By the way, isn't it too loud here?
34:21Chapter two. Only brave man wins love.
34:26Hey, can you be quiet?
34:29- What did you say? - Isn't he good?
34:30You're being too loud.
34:36What's going on?
34:37Honey, did he scare you off?
34:39I was so scared.
34:41What did you say to her?
34:44I didn't say anything.
34:45You told my girlfriend that she was being loud, right?
34:49I was trying to whisper it,
34:50- but I guess she heard it. - He's good.
34:54I'm sorry.
34:56You coward!
34:59In 48th place is "Coward" by Buzz.
35:02Oh, that's how it's connected.
35:03The band, Buzz, was loved by the public...
35:06in the early years of 2000.
35:09The lyric appeals to those who have experienced...
35:11one sided love and they would also be drawn...
35:15to the attractive vocal in their song "Coward".
35:17It was loved by many at the time.
35:19I'm just a coward
35:26What's the impersonation that you've done the most?
35:29(Impersonating Kyung Hoon)
35:30Far away you're my sunshine
35:33(This is what you call head voice.)
35:37Many became coward before women in karaoke rooms...
35:40while striking this pose.
35:44However, if you sing like them,
35:45you'd have no chance of winning their hearts.
35:49Take it into consideration.
35:50(I want to sleep well and you'd never know how I feel)
35:54This is difficult. I'll sing a different song.
35:59In 47th place is "Baby Baby" by 4men.
36:03(It describes the changes of a person due to love.)
36:10(I only want to keep on watching you, Really)
36:16In 46th place is "Confession" by Hot Potato.
36:20It was included in the first project album, "Seesaw"...
36:23of the first generation modern rock band, Hot Potato.
36:27It became very popular by being used...
36:30as a background music for a famous variety program.
36:33It brought them honor of receiving...
36:37the Song of the Year award.
36:39(Hot Potato receives the Song of the Year award.)
36:42(You don't know how to confess.)
36:43Many could sympathize with the plot of the music...
36:47video, showing the realistic relationship of a couple.
36:50(Romantic and sweet confession)
36:51"Confession" depicts the heart flutters of love.
36:56In 45th place is "Blissful Confession" by Yoon Soo Il.
36:59This song starts with vibrant beats...
37:02and it makes you want to dance.
37:04There is a reason for that.
37:06- I loved it when I was young. - The beats...
37:09and the exciting dance made it more popular.
37:12(The neck snapping dance)
37:15(Everyone tried to do it at least once.)
37:17It reminds you of time when you made your confession.
37:21"Blissful Confession" is in the 45th place.
37:23("Blissful Confession" reminds people of confession.)
37:28In 44th place is "P. S. I Love You" by Lena Park.
37:32Lena Park is the diva of the era with powerful voice...
37:34coming out of her small body.
37:37This song was included in her debut album. It's...
37:41about unchanged feelings of a lover after a break up.
37:46It's about love that cannot be wiped away with time.
37:50"P. S. I Love You" is in the 44th place.
37:54(It's about unforgettable true love.)
38:04In 43th place is "Autumn Letter" by Kim Min Gi.
38:08In 42nd place is "You Touched My Heart" by Si Kyung.
38:12(This song made Sung Si Kyung popular.)
38:13It is his best hit that made him who he is today.
38:17"You Touched My Heart"
38:18(Considered as the best confession song by men)
38:20It's considered the best confession song by men.
38:24- Isn't it great? - When did you write the song,
38:27"You Touched My Heart", sung by Sung Si Kyung?
38:31I was going to sing it myself.
38:34Aren't you glad you didn't?
38:37When I sent it to Si Kyung, he accepted it.
38:41I really thought that he was out of touch.
38:46(If I lose that moment then my life means nothing)
38:49The dimming love written in the lyric made people cry.
38:53Regardless of time, this best
38:55confession song gives unforgettable feelings...
39:00(The song which rings the heart...)
39:01to people.
39:02(still gives unforgettable feelings to people.)
39:07This is the last one for the day.
39:11"Nest" by Nam Jin's consistently loved by the public.
39:14(Straightforward man, Nam Jin)
39:15Nam Jin sang that he would do anything for his lover.
39:19How would he have confessed his love?
39:22I couldn't hide my feelings well if I liked someone.
39:25If I found one that I'm fond of, I told her.
39:28I'd simply ask her to date me.
39:31There is a part that you should never miss in "Nest".
39:36We'd give you tips on the moves from "Nest".
39:39(Nam Jin personally teaches it.)
39:40(Fast feet and bottom movement is the key.)
39:41You've got to go like this. There you go.
39:44- Do you get it know? - Yes.
39:48The song was featured in "Immortal Songs".
39:49It was sang and loved by many of his junior singers.
39:53(It's compatible with all the melodies.)
39:56"Nest", a song that sings of honest love,
39:59is today's last song on the list.
40:01(Come into my nest)
40:05Let's go!
40:07That's right. Thank you.
40:10Would you like to confess your love to someone?
40:13Are you still thinking about it?
40:14Confess your love right now.
40:17Korea's Favorite 100 Songs for Confessing Love...
40:19will continue next week.
40:22(Entertainment Weekly)
40:26(The interrogation room of Veteran)
40:33What are you doing?
40:35I'm sitting down.
40:38But still...
40:39For goodness' sake. I never took the money.
40:44I'm not the interrogator today.
40:46Someone special will do the interrogation.
40:51(Today's special interrogator, Shin Hyun Joon)
40:53Please stay tuned for Jung Jun Ho's episode of Veteran.
40:57Kim Saeng Min's segment, Veteran,
40:59(Veteran, Jung Jun Ho Special)
41:00starts now.
41:03(There is much tension in the interrogation room.)
41:12Who is this man? I'm busy.
41:14He's come here today for the interrogation.
41:17- What's your name? - What?
41:20Are you deaf? What's your name?
41:23Richard Marx.
41:26What is your name?
41:27Jung Jun Ho.
41:28(He backs down.)
41:30- Unbelievable. - Jung Jun Ho?
41:32- Your occupation? - I have several.
41:37Cut the horseplay. Tell me honestly.
41:39I've been in a few productions...
41:42like films.
41:43Are you an actor?
41:45- Don't you know me? - Are you an actor?
41:47Don't you know that I'm a movie actor?
41:49(It's a tense situation.)
41:54Many people think that...
41:56you and Hyun Joon are the same age.
41:58- Who? - Actor Shin Hyun Joon.
42:00- It's someone famous. - Who is that?
42:04Don't you know him? He's won many awards.
42:06I don't know, and I don't care.
42:08Were you born in 1970? You're 47.
42:11I was born in 1969.
42:13People usually try to make themselves younger, but...
42:16I don't think he's a celebrity.
42:18How could you make yourself look older?
42:22(No one has ever done this on Veteran before.)
42:24- Now... - By being honest,
42:26- I just wanted to spend less time in jail. - Okay.
42:29In 1995, you made your debut as an actor...
42:33on MBC through the 24th public audition.
42:35How did you get picked?
42:37Do you have connections?
42:39Did you use your connections?
42:41According to my research,
42:43he's been defrauding people since his debut.
42:45I knew it.
42:46Apparently, he won a lead role by lying...
42:48to the director about his ski skills.
42:50That is not an act of fraud.
42:53The director just came to talk to us and asked...
42:57if any one of us knew how to ski. So I raised my hand.
43:02He gave me the part,
43:03and it turned out to be a lead role.
43:05It's a role of a ski instructor.
43:08Who played the role of your female partner?
43:11It was Bae Jong Ok.
43:14You know,
43:15we were on the steep slope.
43:19We were there.
43:20I thought I was going to die. It felt like a cliff,
43:23not a slope.
43:26The assistant director was such a jerk.
43:28He gave me such a hard time during the shoot.
43:31He would say, "Action! Come down!"
43:34"Come down here, you. Action."
43:38He had said "action" about 100 times already,
43:41but we were still on top of the slope.
43:44I went down, and...
43:46I parted with Jong Ok as soon as I started going down.
43:50We were parted.
43:53I don't remember what happened after that.
43:56That's it.
43:57Here's the scene.
43:59The slope is so flat.
44:03Apparently he has this nickname,
44:06Early Cancelation Jung.
44:08I've heard that nickname too.
44:10It's because many of his shows were canceled.
44:12Do you remember?
44:14- Here's the proof. - I don't understand.
44:18Shows often get canceled if they're not popular.
44:22When the shows get canceled early,
44:24the staff don't use the cast members from that drama.
44:29But they gave me a leading role in their next drama.
44:34What was the drama?
44:35It was "Open Your Heart".
44:37- I've never heard of it. - So what happened then?
44:39That drama ended prematurely too.
44:42While other actors star on one drama, he stars on many.
44:46In 1996,
44:48Actor Jun Ho rose to fame at last.
44:51(He got famous for his role in "The Boss".)
44:52The drama depicted a world of gangsters.
44:54It was loved by the whole nation.
44:56"The Boos".
44:58What was your role in that drama?
44:59I played the role of Lee Jung Jae.
45:02- You should know. - Know what?
45:04- You must know Jung Jae and Kim Doo Han. - I know.
45:07Then he starred on the biggest box office success.
45:11It's "My Boos, My Hero".
45:12Your boss, your teacher,
45:15- He looks so young. - and your father...
45:19are one.
45:20It was a comedy film about Korean gangsters.
45:23Jun Ho stood in the middle of its success.
45:27I guess adding a mustache was a trend.
45:29Afterwards, in 2009,
45:30he transformed his acting style with "Iris".
45:35You starred on it with Lee Byung Hun, right?
45:36You ran shirtless in one scene.
45:39You weren't muscular.
45:41You should have worked on your body beforehand.
45:43I was surprised by the sight of him walking towards me.
45:47I asked the staff to delay 10 minutes...
45:51and I did about 100 push-ups.
45:54It was like trying to squeeze blood out of a stone.
45:57So I did the push-ups.
45:59When it was time to shoot, all my efforts disappeared.
46:04Someone tipped us off.
46:06When you were on "Iris", Hyun Joon wanted to star...
46:10a cameo role, but you were against it. Is it true?
46:13The dramas need a cameo role...
46:15when the ratings are not high.
46:17It was when the drama had the highest ratings.
46:21When he wanted to do that, I rejected his offer.
46:24You ought to know the role first. Do you know it?
46:27I was going to play a foreigner.
46:29(Jun Ho was to shoot Hyun Joon.)
46:30Jun Ho wants to star with him and get back at him.
46:34There is a reason for that.
46:37Hyun Joon ruined all my hard work.
46:42I made "Marrying the Mafia" into a huge success.
46:44You only starred on one of the series, right?
46:47- You only starred on the first one. - Excuse me.
46:49- The 1st one was the biggest hit of all. - 1st...
46:51You should have done a better job.
46:54(He's blunt.)
46:55I made it easy for you.
46:58Why did you star on it if you couldn't make it popular?
47:02You closed the door for the next guy.
47:05- You starred on the first one, right? - Right.
47:07I starred on the second one.
47:09That's when your life started to go south.
47:12It was a success.
47:13- That's when your life went south. - Look.
47:15The second one was a success.
47:16If you had a conscience,
47:18you should've let me have the third one.
47:20Fans are asking if you two will star on the sixth one.
47:25With whom?
47:26- With Hyun Joon. - Do you think I'm crazy?
47:32(Hyun Joon and Jun Ho are the best duo.)
47:33We all know they are best friends, yet enemies.
47:36They are busy bickering at each other.
47:39- They have been... - Where did you get this from?
47:42taking care of each other for a long time silently.
47:45What does Hyun Joon mean to Jun Ho?
47:48To me, Hyun Joon is like...
47:51an insurance policy.
47:53He's the person who can speak for me...
47:58when I am not present.
48:01When I live my life and...
48:03am away for a moment, I need someone to talk about me.
48:08Should I say he is my other half?
48:12That's what he means to me.
48:14What does Jun Ho mean to you?
48:17I think it's very simple.
48:21I think he's my family.
48:24If so, how could you badmouth about me behind my back?
48:28(They are at it again.)
48:30- Let's stop here. - Do you think I'm an ATM machine?
48:33- Why don't we stop here? - All right.
48:38(Jun Ho hasn't changed over the last 22 years.)
48:39He has everlasting passion for acting...
48:43and everlasting friendship.
48:45We will support both of you. Thank you.
48:48(We hope your friendship will continue to shine.)
48:53Jun Ho is really funny.
48:54It was fun watching you together.
48:57You're hosting a new show, right?
48:59You can catch the second episode...
49:01of his show next Tuesday.
49:03- It'd be nice if you watch it together. - Thank you.
49:05I am not that close to Jun Ho.
49:07This is all we have for today.
49:09We will come back next week with more news.
49:11- Viewers. Be happy. - Be happy.
49:17("I'll Be Yours" by Girl's Day)
49:42("It Was You" by Cold Cherry)
