Man charged with swinging hatchet, takes best mugshot ever

  • 7 years ago
NORTH TOLEDO, OHIO — A man in Ohio might need to work on his ax-wielding skills, but his picture-taking game couldn’t be more on point.

On April 2, Noel Dawson Jr., 63, allegedly chased a relative around his North Toledo neighborhood with a hatchet. When he finally caught up to the family member, Dawson reportedly took one big swing and made an effort to connect. His aim was a little off though, and the hatchet instead struck his truck, denting the hood.

When a policeman arrived, Dawson chose not to offer up any identifying information, and laced the cop with profanities instead. Upon being arrested for domestic violence, assault, criminal damaging, and failure to disclose personal information, he then squinted his face for a mugshot that has been shared all across the internet over the past week.

Noel Dawson Jr. pled not guilty to all charges.


