Grace for Everything! Christian Topics - Acts 4:33, Acts 11:24

  • 7 years ago
The grace of God, is about everything which we receive from God, without being able to earn it, deserve it, work it out, pay for it, or being worthy of it. God decided to give us any blessing, based on his grace, and not on how holy lives we live before him, and not of anything we do, or can do, to deserve that grace.

The grace of God, is not only for salvation, and going to heaven. It is for everything in our lives, including healing, finances, prosperity, work, family relationships, and other areas.

To believe in the promises of God in his Word, is essential, but all those promises are given to us by God, because of his grace. That is why, by grace we receive the answer of our prayers for healing, finances, prosperity, marriage, family, work, and every other blessing.

If we believed and received our salvation by the grace of God, we can receive anything else from God based on his grace.
