Lampreys eel (that do not have one common scientific name?)
* Family: Petromyzontidae,
* Subfamilies: Geotriinae /Mordaciinae/Petromyzontinae,
* Phylum: Chordata,
* Class: Petromyzontida/Hyperoartia,
* Order: Petromyzontiformes,
* Type: Fish,
* Diet: Omnivore,
* Avarege lifespan in the wilds: no data,
* Size: no data,
* Weight: no data,
** Lampreys sometimes also called lamprey eels are jawless fish,Lampreys live mostly in coastal and fresh waters.
More info:
* Family: Petromyzontidae,
* Subfamilies: Geotriinae /Mordaciinae/Petromyzontinae,
* Phylum: Chordata,
* Class: Petromyzontida/Hyperoartia,
* Order: Petromyzontiformes,
* Type: Fish,
* Diet: Omnivore,
* Avarege lifespan in the wilds: no data,
* Size: no data,
* Weight: no data,
** Lampreys sometimes also called lamprey eels are jawless fish,Lampreys live mostly in coastal and fresh waters.
More info: