Video shows beaver herding 150 curious cows on Canadian farm

  • 7 years ago
ITUNA, CANADA — Video of a beaver appearing to lead a herd of 150 young heifers across a field is going viral online.

On April 14, a farming couple on a ranch out near Regina went to check on their cattle when they found the cows crowding around a beaver. Their eyes fixed on his every move, the herd followed behind him as he walked about the ranch. The beaver would take a few steps forward, only to stop and see the the cows a foot away, stopping in unison. On their farm blog, the ranchers say it was probably the curious nature of the young heifers, who they compare to teenagers, that inspired the hilarious scene.

The beaver anointed as one of Canada’s national symbols, the ranchers say it was “possibly the most Canadian thing they’ve ever seen happen” out there.


