Cosmopolitan Alexandria memories can also be tracked by viewing old buildings dating from the beginning of the 20th century. Many of the presented photos were adopted from the following web sites
Buildings in downtown Alexandria
Jewish North Africa Index
Historical Society of Jews from Egypt
The Hellenic Community of Alexandria [EKA]
A detailed account of the photos are presented below.The accompanying music is that of an old Greek song dating from the 30s [Kopelles Tragoudousane-syrto] .The song is presented in the following web site
1. Themistocles Sofianopoulo Coffee House on Saad Zaghloul Street - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
2. A painting at the Jewelry museum
3. Villa at Ptolemies street, now the Goethe Institute- Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
4. Acropolle Hotel [DOWN TOWN] - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
5.The Greek Orthodox Church - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
6. San Mark Collage [Chatby]
7. Latin Cemetery [Chatby]
8. Common Wealth Military Cemetery
9. Alexandria main railway station.
10.Saint Jean Antedde school
11.Villa at the Ptolemies street - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
12. Villa on Ptolemies street - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
13. Old building at the Corniche
14.Members of the Greek community performing a folklore dance.
15.Interior of an old Alexandrian house.
16. Antique
17. Eliyahu Hanavi synagogue in Alexandria
18.Wash basin at Eliyahu Hanavi
19. Panorama of coastal downtown
20.An old post card showing an old drawing of the ancient lighthouse
Buildings in downtown Alexandria
Jewish North Africa Index
Historical Society of Jews from Egypt
The Hellenic Community of Alexandria [EKA]
A detailed account of the photos are presented below.The accompanying music is that of an old Greek song dating from the 30s [Kopelles Tragoudousane-syrto] .The song is presented in the following web site
1. Themistocles Sofianopoulo Coffee House on Saad Zaghloul Street - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
2. A painting at the Jewelry museum
3. Villa at Ptolemies street, now the Goethe Institute- Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
4. Acropolle Hotel [DOWN TOWN] - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
5.The Greek Orthodox Church - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
6. San Mark Collage [Chatby]
7. Latin Cemetery [Chatby]
8. Common Wealth Military Cemetery
9. Alexandria main railway station.
10.Saint Jean Antedde school
11.Villa at the Ptolemies street - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
12. Villa on Ptolemies street - Photographer and Copyright [ Philippe Saad ]
13. Old building at the Corniche
14.Members of the Greek community performing a folklore dance.
15.Interior of an old Alexandrian house.
16. Antique
17. Eliyahu Hanavi synagogue in Alexandria
18.Wash basin at Eliyahu Hanavi
19. Panorama of coastal downtown
20.An old post card showing an old drawing of the ancient lighthouse