• 8 years ago
Most of those who read Castaneda's books showed an interest in that, and what kind of devil's grass is that? Where does it grow? Is it worth a try? Well, it grows in many countries including the CIS countries. Her hallucinogenic properties were known, and in the old days, spawning such names as crazy grass, sorcerer's grass, wildly, prickly apples or just dope. Among other things, dope is used in medicine! IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER DATURA IS DANGEROUS AND POOR !!! Therefore, in no case should you not apply it yourself without consulting an experienced doctor! Carlos used it under the supervision of an experienced mentor, Don Juan and his friend Don Genaro, who were experienced herbalists. Also, there is no official confirmation of the existence of Juan Matus and the appropriateness of his teaching methodology. So be CAREFUL with this grass. Http://zarabotokvnet.tk


